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By Ed Shirreffs on 5/7/2008 10:30 AM

On December 30, 2007, Ring of Honor held their final event of the year, Final Battle 2007.  Final Battle is always one of the most acclaimed shows of the year, and features the culmination of several long running feuds.  Before the show was on DVD, it was already getting rave reviews, so I'm eager to see if it's as good as it's reputation.

The DVD opens with Austin Aries after the previous night's title match against Nigel, which he lost.  He simply says, "I got nothing."

Becky is in the back with The Briscoe Brothers.  Typical Briscoes promo, this one talking about their match with the Age of the Fall.

Matt Cross & Bobby Fish vs. Ruckus & Jigsaw w/ Julius Smokes

Fish and Jigsaw start with some roll ups and quick takedowns.  Jigsaw with an armdrag and mule kick.  Fish hits a dropkick.  They trade arm drags.  Ruckus and Cross tag in.  Cross with a hammerlock.  Ruckus reverses into a wristlock.  They continue to trade reversals.  Cross with a shoulderblock.  Cross and Ruckus avoid headscissors takedown attempts.  Ruckus dropkicks Cross from the ring.  Fish pulls Ruckus out.  Jigsaw with a suicide dive.  Immediately after, Cross jumps over the top onto Jig.

Fish tags in and punches Jigsaw in the stomach.  Powerslam by Fish out of the corner.  Jigsaw with a back elbow and a kick to Fish's head.  Ruckus tags in and fights off Cross and Fish with some kicks.  Standing moonsault onto Fish for two.  Cross breaks the pin up.  Cross and Fish double team Jigsaw.  Cross dodges a Ruckus charge and hits a springboard double stomp for two when Jig breaks the pin up.

Tilt a whirl backbreaker by Fish.  He hits a neckbreaker, then a Falcon Arrow for two when Ruckus breaks the pin up.  Rolling Fisherman's out of the corner by Ruckus to Fish.  Ruckus dumps Cross from the ring.  Ruckus kicks Fish in the back of the head, then Jigsaw connects with Jig n' Tonic for the win.

Your winners, Ruckus & Jigsaw!

Larry Sweeney comes to the ring with Tank Toland, Sara Del Rey, and Bobby Dempsey, and Daniel Puder.  He asks if Larry Sweeney is looking good tonight, or what.  He claims Puder snapped Claudio's leg the night before, so Castagnoli can not compete tonight.

Claudio comes out and has something to say about that.  I really don't like Claudio's promo here.  He can talk better than this.  He pulls out the Sweeney contract that says they must have a match.

Claudio Castagnoli vs. Larry Sweeney

Claudio approaches Sweeney, but is clipped by Toland.  Sweeney starts stomping him.  Toland crotches Claudio on the ring post.  Sweeney keeps after the bad leg.  Castagnoli lunges, but Sweeney avoids him and keeps after the leg.  Claudio comes back and gives Sweeney some European Uppercuts.  He goes for the Ricola Bomb, but Puder runs in and clubs Claudio in the injured leg.

Your winner, Larry Sweeney!

Post match, Toland keeps stomping the injured leg.  He does jumping jacks on Claudio.  Claudio recovers and gives Toland a sit out Ricola Bomb, but completely no sells his hurt leg in the process.

In the back, Sweeney is bragging about his win.

No DQ Match:  Jack Evans vs. Necro Butcher

Lacey distracts Evans and Necro pounds him before dumping him out of the ring.  Evans with a somersault dropkick off the guardrail.  Necro pulls the floor mat out from underneath Evans and uses the guardrail to attack him.  He rips one of the ROH banners off and slams it on Evans.  Evans jumps off the apron and kicks Necro.  He goes for a knee strike off the apron, but Necro avoids it.  Necro gets the ring bell and digs the hammer into Evans face.

Evans is put back in the ring.  Necro gets some chairs.  Chair slam to Evans.  Necro lifts up Evans and chokes him.  He drives Evans into the opposite turnbuckle.  He throws a chair at Evans gut and covers for two.  Necro fires away with punches and chops in the corner, then a bulldog onto the chair for two.  Necro tries to toss out Evans, but Evans avoids it.  Necro punches him in the mouth.  They jockey for position on the apron.  Evans with a Code Red off the apron to the floor.

Evans kicks Necro back in the ring.  Handspring elbow in the corner and a springboard knee strike to the back of Necro's head for two.  Standing moonsault with a chair onto Necro, followed by a corkscrew splash off the chair for two.  Necro dodges a springboard, then punches Evans, followed by a Tiger Driver for two.

Necro sets up two chairs and puts them back to back.  He hits a backbreaker onto the chairs for two.  Necro sets the chairs up again.  He works on Evans in the corner, then puts him on the top rope.  Necro climbs to the second rope, but Evans fights him off.  Evans with a back flip knee strike onto Necro, who was slumped over the chairs, for two.

Evans slams a chair across Necro's chest, then climbs to the top.  Lacey begs him not to jump.  Julius Smokes gets in the ring.  Mercedes Martinez comes out and attacks Lacey.  Necro goes to hit Evans with a chair, but Smokes grabs it.  Evans rolls him up for the win.

Your winner, Jack Evans!

Evans calls Martinez the Booty Vulture.  Smokes proclaims her the newest member of the Vulture Squad.  The crowd gets her to dance...badly.

Naomichi Marufuji vs. Davey Richards

They lock up and break cleanly on the ropes.  Hammerlock reversals.  Richards with a single leg takedown.  He ties up Marufuji, but is reversed.  Marufuji rolls over for a near fall and Davey bails.  Side headlock takedown by Richards.  Marufuji rolls him over for a couple of one counts.  Naomichi reverses with the head scissors.  Richards reverses into an STF, then a wristlock.  Marufuji cartwheels out and reverses.

Richards slaps Marufuji in the face after a lock up.  Marufuji punches him to the mat.  Marufuji throws Richards off.  Marufuji and Richards avoid each other's kicks.  The two trade chops and forearms.  Marufuji hits a Dragon Screw on the middle rope.  Marufuji ties up Richards' legs on the ringpost.  Richards tries to get away, but he gets kicked in the leg.  Shinbreaker into a Figure Four Leg Lock by Marufuji.  Richards makes the ring ropes.

Marufuji with kicks to the leg and Richards with forearms.  Richards hits a series of strikes followed by an STO.  Snap suplex for two by Davey.  Headbutt and running clothesline for two to Marufuji.  Richards humbles him with a Camel Clutch.  Richards hangs up Marufuji in the Tree of Woe.  He teases a big move, but flicks Marufuji in the balls.  Naomichi with a low blow.  Haha.  Richards headbutts him.  Marufuji blocks a charge and drives Richards into the turnbuckle.  He splashes Davey, then hits a Capture Suplex for two.  Marufuji drives Richards into the corner with his knee.  He puts him on the top, but Davey fights him off and hits a missile dropkick.

Davey with a running forearm.  Marufuji hits a superkick that Davey no sells.  Marufuji gets two with a roll up.   Richards goes to handspring off the ropes, but Marufuji has him scouted and he kicks Davey in the face.  Richards rolls to the apron.  The slap each other.  Davey tosses Marufuji off and kicks   on the way down.  Richards dives through the ropes and dives all the way to the third row.  I hate the way ROH does Instant German Suplex.  Davey blocks a superkick and gets another two count with the German Suplex.  Davey locks in the Kimura.  Marufuji rolls him over for two and hits a superkick that Davey more or less no sells.  They block each other's big moves.  Marufuji hits a shiranui for the win.

Your winner, Naomichi Marufuji!

Age of the Fall are in the darkness in the back with a promo about tonight's big match.  Jimmy says tonight isn't about violence, but about getting the power they desire in ROH.

Tables Are Legal: The Hangmen 3 vs. Delirious, Kevin Steen, & El Generico

If one thing can get me interested in a Hangmen Three match, it's Steen and Generico.  It doesn't take long for the action to start.  Delirious is working on Pearce in the ring.  Steen throw Whitmer against a table.  Senton by Delirious onto Pearce, and then he punches him.  Pearce is attacked by Bushwhacker Luke.  He uses Delirious for the old Battering Ram spot on the Hangmen.  The faces wave their arms like the Bushwhackers.  Real wrestling for real fans!

The faces dive over the top onto the Hangmen.  Steen punches Albright.  Generico puts a table in the ring.  Steen does the same.  Generico kicks Whitmer to the floor so he and Steen can set their tables up.  Whitmer comes in and clubs Generico.  Steen tries to help, but Albright comes in.  Whitmer clubs Steen.  Steen whips Whitmer into Albright in the corner.  Generico with a running boot.  Steen puts both on his back and dumps them to the mat.

Generico boots Albright as Steen hits a back suplex on Whitmer through the table.  Delirious stays after Pearce on the floor, kicking Hagadorn when he tries to interfere.  Albright blocks an Irish Whip attempt into the table.  He boots Generico in the gut.  Albright decides to just kick the table in half.  He grabs a piece and nails Generico in the head.  The Hangmen boot Generico.  Delirious comes to the aid of his partner, but he gets beaten down, too.

Pearce elbows Generico in the back as Delirious is dumped to the floor.  Dropkick to Generico's face by Pearce.  Albright and Whitmer keep Steen down and toss him out.  Albright chokes Generico with a strip from the broken table.  Delirious and Steen come back in and they turn the match around.  Delirious directs traffic and they all hit punches in the corner.  Steen and Delirious are dumped through tables on the floor.  Albright and Whitmer go High/Low on Delirious for two.

Albright goes back to choking Generico.  Pearce calls for Demolition Decapitation and he gets it.  Camel Clutch by Pearce.  Hagadorn puts a table in the ring.  The put the table on top of the ropes in the corner.  Generico tries to fight Albright off, but the three on one persists.  Inverted DDT double team by Whitmer and Pearce from the top rope.  Generico fights off Whitmer for a moment, then goes after Pearce.  Albright chokes him with the table again, then hangs Generico over the top rope.  Steen comes to his partners aid.  More table setting up in the ring.

Steen calls for help as Albright attacks him from behind.  Steen and Delirious are laid out on the floor.  More moving around of tables.  Hagadorn climbs to the top.  Delirious blows mist in Pearce's face.  Pelle Primeau comes out to stop Hagadorn and hits a rana off the top sending Hagadorn through the table on the floor.  The Hangmen demolish Pelle.

Delirious comes back in and goes after Albright and Whitmer.  Whitmer hits a Spinebuster.  Enziguri by Steen, and a pumphandle neckbreaker to Whitmer.  Pearce puts Steen on the mat.  Delirious recovers and goes after Pearce.  Pearce half sets up a table and lays Delirious on it.  Pearce climbs to the top, but Generico shoves him off the top rope.  Whitmer hits a Frog Splash on Delirious through the table for two as Generico dives off the top to the floor.

Albright is shoved into the corner.  He blocks the running Yakuza Kick, but gets dumped over the top through a table on the floor.  Whitmer hits an Exploder sending Generico over the top to the floor.  Steen and Whitmer trade shots.  Steen hits the Package Piledriver for two.  He goes to the floor with Whitmer and attempts a Package Piledriver on the floor. 

In the ring, Delirious knocks down Pearce with a forearm.  Delirious tries to set up a table as Steen cannonballs into Whitmer against the guardrail.  Delirious puts Peace on a table lying across the ropes in the corner.  Pearce recovers and hits a Piledriver off the table and through another one for the win.

Your winners, the Hangmen Three!

Becky interviews the Hangmen in the back as they are celebrating.

Ernie Osiris vs. Rocky Romero

Uh-oh...I smell squash.  Rocky takes Osiris to the mat and slaps him.  He starts with the kicks to the chest.  Osiris avoids a knockout kick and hits a sitout suplex for one.  Romero slaps Osiris and sends him in the corner with a knee strike.  Cross armbreaker, and Osiris taps.

Your winner, Rocky Romero!

Nigel walks to the ring as we see footage of him looking like a bloody mess after defending the belt against Austin Aries.  Nigel gets the mic, and it is here where he gets the now infamous "Drop the belt" chant from half of the crowd.  Incredible heat before Nigel even says one word.  Wow.  A louder portion of the crowd speaks up and chants Nigel's name.

He says he can only remember leaving the hospital at 4:30 in the morning with a bunch of stitches, a broken nose, and a probable concussion.  Because of the injuries, he can't defend the belt.  And maybe because of the injuries, maybe he doesn't deserve the belt, and maybe he should give it to someone who can defend it.  He acts like he is going to turn the belt over as the crowd starts yelling.

He turns around and says Screw You!  The injuries mean he does deserve the belt.  All the sacrifices are why he is Ring of Honor Champion.  He goes for the cheap virgin jokes, which hurts an incredibly effective promo.  He says he will keep the belt in spite of the haters.  For those who respect the business, Nigel says he is keeping the belt because of them.

FIP World Heavyweight Title Match:  Erick Stevens vs. Roderick Strong (c)

The two lock up and Stevens powers Strong into the corner.  They lock up again and end up on the ropes.  Strong spits in Stevens' face on the break, then bails when Stevens goes after him.  Strong chops, then knees Stevens.  Side headlock takedown by Strong.  Stevens knocks Roddy down with a shoulderblock, then gets a side headlock cinched in on the mat.  Belly to belly suplex by Stevens.  He boots Roderick in the corner.  Hard irish whip into the corner, followed by a sideslam on Strong for two.

The two trade chops.  Strong goes for another headlock, and they go to the corner.  Strong rakes the eyes.  They trade shots.  Kick to the face by Strong, followed by a running boot in the corner.  Strong dumps Stevens to the floor, then drops a boot on his head.  Strong body slams Stevens into the apron.  Ouch.

Snapmare by Strong for two.  He applies a waistlock on the mat.  Stevens powers up and forces a break.  He then eats a forearm and gets tied up in the ropes with a chop.  Strong snaps Stevens' neck on the top rope.  They fight on the apron.  Springboard boot by Strong, who then dives over the top onto Stevens.  Chop and sideslam by Strong on the floor.

Stevens makes it back to the ring.  Strong pounds him in the corner with chops and charges.  He puts Stevens' legs across the ropes, then dives into him with a spear for two.  Strong wrenches Stevens' back.  Stevens tries to fight him off, but Strong remains aggressive.  Fallaway slam by Strong.  He applies another waistlock on the mat.

Stevens gets up and punches Strong in the corner.  Strong turns it around and chops Stevens in the corner.  Stevens hits a charge out of nowhere, then delivers a powerslam, knocking both men down.  When they get up, Stevens is able to keep his offense going.  He catches Roderick in the corner, then hits a diving shouldertackle off the second rope for two.  A Full Nelson slam results in another two count on Strong.

Step up enziguri by Strong after a two count.  He drops Stevens to the mat for another two count.  Superplex off the top by Strong for two.  He brings Stevens to the apron, but Stevens blocks him.  Stevens chops him to the floor, then dives off the apron with a forearm.  Stevens puts Strong in the ring and hits a TKO for two.  Where is the crowd?

Stevens goes for the Doctor Bomb, but Strong blocks.  Big powerslam by Stevens for another near fall.  Stevens puts Strong on the top turnbuckle.  Strong knocks him down and kicks Stevens, then hits a gutbuster, followed by a cutter for two.  Strong sets up for a Gibson Driver, but Stevens sends them both to the floor.  Gibson Driver by Strong on the entrance ramp.  Strong rolls in the ring as Stevens tries to crawl in to beat the FIP 20 count.

He finally makes it back in at nineteen.  Strong takes the tape off his wrists and moves in on Stevens.  Chops by Strong in the corner.  Strong spits at Stevens again as Stevens hulks up.  Back suplex by Strong for two.  Strong tries for another Gibson Driver, but can't get it.  Release German Suplex by Stevens.  He catches Strong and drives him to the mat.  Chops and forearms by Strong, but he runs into another suplex.  Lariats and a Doctor Bomb by Stevens for the win.

Your winner, and NEW FIP World Heavyweight Champion, Erick Stevens!

Four Way Elimination Match:  Chris Hero w/ Sweet & Sour, Inc. vs. Bryan Danielson vs. Austin Aries vs. Takeshi Morishima

As soon as Mori gets in the ring, Dragon goes right after him with some chokes.  Danielson stomps Morishima.  The big man gets up and starts to no sell.  Boss Man Slam by Morishima, who then throws his body at Danielson.  Hero tags himself in, then goes after a prone Danielson.  Back senton by Hero.  He puts an elbow on Dragon's head.  Hero throws Danielson into the corner.  Danielson no sells and pounds Hero in the corner.

Aries tags in.  Hero begs off and tags Morishima in.  Morishima is distracted and Aries goes after him with a series of quick shots.  He goes for a sunset flip, but Takeshi sits down for two.  Scoop slam by Morishima.  He stands on Aries' chest for two.  Hero with another blind tag.  Leaping forearm in the corner by Hero.  Aries fights back, but runs into a knee.  Hero with a twisting senton onto Aries for two.

Aries fires back wit some chops.  Hero goes to tag out, but Morishima hits him with a forearm.  Morishima is tagged in by Aries.  Hero acts like he is going to fight Morishima.  He throws a couple of ineffective chops and stomps the toes.  Morishima knocks him down with a chop and Hero mocks Fighting Spirit.  He bounces off the ropes, but is knocked down.  Dempsey gets on the apron, but he is knocked to the floor.

Hero tags Danielson in.  Morishima shrugs off a dropkick and gives Dragon a lariat.  Danielson rolls up Mori and uses the ropes for leverage, but only gets two.  Danielson with a couple kicks to the chest.  Morishima catches him and delivers another devastating lariat.  Morishima goes after Danielson's formerly injured eye.  Morishima continues to pound away.  Aries tags himself in.  He and Danielson double team Morishima.  The hit Roaring Elbows.  Aries goes for the Brainbuster, but he gets suplexed.  Danielson with elbows to the head while Aries knees him.  Hero comes in to show off.  Aries and Danielson are fed up and the double team him.  Danielson dumps Hero.

Aries and Danielson put Morishima on the top rope and give him a back superplex.  Danielson stomps Morishima in the face.  Aries hits the 450 and all three of Morishima's opponents pile on to eliminate him from the mat.

Takeshi Morishima is eliminated from the match!

Hero acts like he won the match.  He tells Aries and Danielson to enjoy the moment, then stomps their feet.  He sends Dragon out of the ring and rolls up Aries for two.  Hero acts like he is going to tag in Danielson, but he instead stomps the foot again and knocks him to the floor.  Hero tosses Aries to the mat and drops an elbow.  He once again prevents Dragon from getting on the apron.  Atomic drop by Hero for one with a cocky pin.

Hero turns his back and Aries hits a Finlay Roll.  Aries goes to the top, but Hero knocks him to the floor.  Danielson comes back in with some European Uppercuts.  Dragon is caught in a Cravate.  Hero sits down and drives him to the mat.  Aries runs in and rolls up Hero to eliminate him.

Chris Hero is eliminated from the match!

Aries and Danielson go face to face and shake hands before renewing their rivalry.  They start with some mat wrestling, going hold for hold with each other.  Dragon is sent to the floor.  Aries goes for a suicide dive, but he ends up getting dumped in the crowd.  Danielson springboards off the top rope and dives onto Aries in the crowd, going eight rows deep.  Aries sends Danielson into the guardrail, then quickly follows with a dropkick.  Aries back in the ring with elbows to Dragon's head.

Danielson goes for the crossface chickenwing, but Aries keeps him off.  Dragon with a dropkick out of the corner.  Danielson tries to set up for Cattle Mutilation, but drives Aries into the corner and delivers a running forearm.  He goes for a suplex off the top, but Aries falls on him and they trade near falls.  When they get back up, the trade uppercuts and forearms.  Aries gets two with a backslide.  He kicks Danielson in the head, but the Brainbuster is blocked.  Tiger Suplex by Dragon for two.  He locks in Cattle Mutilation.  Aries turns over, but ends up eating some elbows.  Aries tosses him off, kicks him in the head, and gets two with the Brainbuster.  He goes right into the Horn of Aries.  Danielson trips Aries up and goes back to the elbows.  Knees to the head by Aries.  Elbows.  Knees.  They get up and swing at each other.  They slap each other in the face from their knees.  More elbows from Danielson.  Aries goes for the Horn of Aries, but ends up in a Triangle Choke.  Aries keeps his arm up on three.  Danielson starts up with the elbows again and the referee stops the match.

Your winner, Bryan Danielson!

Danielson gets a title shot in Manhattan at the Sixth Anniversary Show.  He wants a handshake, but doesn't get it.

Stevens is in the back, reveling in his new championship after years of hard work.

ROH World Tag Team Championship Match:  Age of the Fall (Tyler Black & Jimmy Jacobs) vs. The Briscoes

Jay starts by booting Jimmy in the corner.  Black tags in, but Jay hits a rana and big boot.  Mark somersaults off the apron onto Black.  Mark continues to assault Black on the floor.  Snap suplex by Mark on the floor.  The Briscoes toss Jacobs on the entrance ramp.  Jay puts Black in the ring.  Scoop slam by Jay, followed by a leg drop.  Mark tags in and they knock Black down with a double team shoulderblock for two.  Snapmare and Dragon Kick by Mark.

Vertical suplex by Mark for two.  He chops Black.  Jay makes the blind tag and hits a Famouser off the second rope.  Dropkick by Jay for two.  Mark tags in with a knee drop off the ropes for two.  Gutwrench suplex and a knee drop for two to Black.  Jay tags back in and the Briscoes work over Black with more double teams.  They call for a springboard Doomsday, but Jacobs spears Jay.  Black dropkicks Mark to the floor.

Scoop slam to Jay by Black, then a knee drop.  Tyler chokes Jay on the mat.  Jacobs tags in and punches Jay in the corner.  Stomp to the groin area.  Double stomps and an elbow by Jimmy.  Black tags in and continues the assault on Jay, choking him.  Jay tries to fight back, but Jacobs tags in and double teams Jay with Black.  Lionsault by Black and Jimmy covers for two.

Black tags back in and keeps Jay from getting the better of Jimmy.  Jay and Black trade palm strikes.  Black charges in the corner, but runs into an elbow.  Jay with a reverse STO that sends Black into the corner, putting both men down.  Mark tags in and cleans house with some karate thrusts.  Superkick by Mark to Black.  He then gives Jacobs a Fisherman's Buster.  Springboard Corkscrew Body Press by Mark for two on Black.

Mark works him over in the corner.  He tries to jump to the top, but, he gets caught in the Tree of Woe, where he is double teamed in the corner for two when Jay makes the save.  Jay dumps Jacobs to the floor, but is clotheslined out by Black.  Black plants Mark on the mat for two.  Black dives off the top, but is caught.  The Briscoes hit a double team neckbreaker for two.

Jay tags, but runs into a big boot.  He blocks the Small Package Driver and hits a Falcon Arrow, but Jimmy makes the save.  Jacobs sends Mark into the guardrail.  Jay goes for a Jay Driller, but Jacobs hits a neckbreaker.  Jimmy climbs to the top, but he gets crotched.  Jay sets up for another Jay Driller, but Black runs interference.  AOTF team for a Doomsday Rana on Jay for a near fall.

Jimmy climbs to the top and hits a senton on Jay as he is on Black's shoulders.  Jimmy locks in the End Time.  Mark breaks it up with a springboard double stomp.  Mark and Jimmy trade punches.  Big powerbomb by Mark for two.  The Briscoes try for a Cutthroat Driver, but Black stops it.  He dumps Mark over the top into the barricade.  Black goes to the top rope.  Jay puts him on his shoulders, and the Briscoes use the Springboard Doomsday Device to kill Black and send him all the way to the floor.  Mark hits a Cutthroat Driver on Jacobs for a very near fall.

The Briscoes are irate.  They get in the face of the referee.  The Briscoes hit the Doomsday Device on Jacobs, but Black recovers to make the save.  Jay sends Black to the floor.  Mark puts Jacobs on the top rope.  Black powerbombs Jay into the guardrail on the floor, then makes the save for Jacobs.  Jacobs and Black team up for a Contra Code/Powerbomb Combo.  Black dives off the top rope with a Phoenix Splash for the win and the tag belts.

Your winners, and NEW ROH Tag Team Champions, the Age of the Fall!

Match by Match thoughts:

The opener was the perfect length.  Sometimes these matches tend to go on a little long for no reason.  Good action and it didn't have a chance to drag.

That was a very unsatisfying end to the year long feud between Sweeney and Castagnoli.  It should have meant more, but so many Hero-Claudio matches over the year took some buzz out of the angle, at least in my opinion.

The No DQ match didn't really quick.  It was pretty slow, and the ending was a little lame for the type of match.  Couple of sick moves, but it could have been better.

I love any match Marufuji is in.  Good back and forth match.  My one complaint is the Fighting Spirit from Richards on the superkicks was a little much,  Both men came out looking good.

The Tables match was ok, but I've seen better.  Too much time was spent setting tables up for spots.

The squash did a good job of letting people get back to their seats after intermission.

The Nigel promo is absolutely must see, and was the best thing on the show to that point.  The virgin comment was too easy, but otherwise, he nailed it.  It's a major moment in McGuinness' career, so for that reason, it begs to be seen.

Stevens and Strong put together the top match on the undercard.  It built nicely into a fairly surprising finish, as he gets what is arguably the biggest win of his career.  The crowd disappeared for the middle of the match, which hurt the atmosphere, but they returned for a thrilling finish.

The four way elimination was one of the most well booked matches I've ever watched.  Morishima stayed strong because it took the two aces of ROH to put him down.  Hero's comedy spots were well received (and no stalling!), and he was eliminated with a taste of his own medicine just as he was starting to get the better of Danielson.  Aries and Danielson can put on a classic any time they want.  Aries loses because of a stoppage, not because he was pinned or submitted.  Several stories were told, and all of them were must read.  Loved it.

The tag match was a strong follow up to the four way, and it was almost wall to wall action, featuring some amazing double team moves.  I liked that no chairs or tables were involved.  It really legitimized AOTF's win and ended the show on a strong note.

Overall, I have to say this is must buy due to an exciting final 90 or so minutes.  The top three matches all deliver.  As the show went on, I noticed that each match built into something better than the one that proceeded it.  All the good stuff stood out in its own way, though.  Match of the night is the incredible four way elimination match.  ROH closes 2007 with a show you really need to have in your collection.  The last ninety minutes on their own would be must buy.  Everything else is a bonus, and your enjoyment will depend on how much you like the wrestlers involved.

If you have any questions or comments, feel free to email me at