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By Mike Johnson on 9/12/2008 9:12 AM
Funking Conservatory Press Release - Shane Chung captures contract for All Japan Pro Wrestling Anniversary Tour.
The Funking Conservatory Florida Heavyweight Champion Shane Chung captured the first contract signing with all Japan Pro Wrestling Company for the Thirty Sixth Anniversary Tour.
All Japan Pro is also courting Funking Conservatory Champions, Blain Rage (!BANG! TV Champion) and Elvi$ Sharp (FC World Heavyweight Champion) to work the Anniversary Tour. 
Tryouts on Sept 6th at the Funking Conservatory in front of Osamu Nishimura proved to be an opportunity for the Talent of the Funking Conservatory.
This Tour for All Japan Pro-Wrestling marks the company's Thirty Sixth Anniversary. The first tour for all Japan Pro Wrestling and first Wrestling Card was held on October 21st, 1972. The American Booker was Dory Funk Sr.
The next All Japan Pro Wrestling Tryout matches are coming to the Funking Conservatory Saturday October 4th and Sunday October 5th.
For training schedules and tryout information, call 352-895-4658  
Now on !BANG! TV in Video Plus Super-Size Format you can watch as Shane Chung earned his opportunity to wrestle in Japan with an outstanding performance in two matches, first in a match against Elvi$ Sharp, then in Six Man Tag Team competition with partners Blain Rage and Elvi$ Sharp against Dory Funk Jr., Osamu Nishimura and Johnny Magnum. Both matches are on our website at
Dory Funk Jr. - Coach of the Funking Conservatory Wrestling School