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By Zach Levine on 5/6/2009 9:44 PM
This Week In Wrestling
By Zach Levine

Hey everybody and welcome back to the first week in wrestling column where the WWE actually tries to follow the draft. Shall we go? Let's do this...

1. Alrighty let's start with what many other people agree with...why the hell was Shane McMahon booked to wreck Legacy all by himself? Doesn't exactly elevate the group you know. Although looking back on it, Shane-os dad did once beat the Undertaker in a Buried Alive match, lost to Triple H only after he got a sledgehammer broken over his head, and probably hooked up with every diva on the roster live on tv, so maybe being a McMahon has perks.

2. Well TNA actually might have lucked out by not getting Paul London to team with Amazing Red. Looks like London's old teammate, THE Brian Kendrick, may end up on the cutting block and TNA could put together a dream match with them vs the Motor City Machine Guns. Would you look at this man's last two matches? He was a former WWE champion about eight months ago. What the hell happened to that push??

3. I recently read the book "I Hope They Serve Beer In Hell" by Tucker Max. The guy is a debaucherous jerk and after reading it you don't know if you want to stand and applaud what he does or punch him in the face. I think someone else in the WWE read the book as well, and promptly gave the gimmick to Zack Ryder. Sad day for me to share that name haha. Question does the WWE see more in him than Hawkins? The two were basically one in the same, I'm confused.

4. So interesting to see this week that Hardcore Holly apparently despises Mr. Kennedy Kennedy. Interesting news, and I'm beginning to lose faith in Kenneth. Two years ago I had the Green Bay native breaking through the glass ceiling and being a multi-time heavyweight champ by now. Let's hope Kennedy can turn it around and become the comeback wrestler of 2009.

5. I say the Tommy Dreamer storyline ends like this. Faces Swagger and Christian in a three way dance at Extreme Rules. Loses the match because Tiffany interferes on Swagger's behalf, making herself heel as she aligns with Swagger. Tues on ECW, Tommy bids farewell and announces that Tiffany has been stripped of her GM role by WWE management and he is the new GM of ECW.

6. Just having some fun here since I do not know who are the three other superstars competing in Sacrifice or what they're giving up, so lets see what we can do. How about...
Abyss - blading heavily
Booker T - any foreign accents
Consequences Creed - any reference to Rocky in his gimmick
Daniels - his last name [might be kinda tough since he just gave up Chris too[
Eric Young - pyro for his entrance [scares him anyways]
Frankie Kazarian - See Daniels
Any other ideas, feel free to send them along and I will be happy to write bout it for a future column

7. So Festus is now a singer eh? Anyone else think his voice is reminiscent of a late 90's attitude era star who was once an adult film star, a member of right to censor, and the chief of staff, only to go back to an adult film star later on?

8. Thinking back to what happened at Backlash with JR and Santina, I don't think it is in the WWE's best interest to be poking good ole JR like that. Remember the last three color commentators on Smackdown? Coach Foley Tazz. Not the best track record, so how about we treat JR nice so he doesn't up and leave as well.

9. Speaking of Abyss, I was watching the first ever TNA PPV earlier this week [I don't have a girlfriend, shocking!] and noticed a big dude named Justice coming into the battle royal. Didn't realize who he was until he hit the black hole slam. Wow...just wow. I thought the Bradshaw to JBL gimmick change was a makeover, this may have taken the cake.

10. I'll end on this note. The group Legacy is called that because all their dads were famous stars. Batista is not going to turn heel and join Legacy, doesn't make sense. What I can see happening is Batista turning heel, but c'mon, his theme song screams "I Walk Alone!" That's who he is, keep him that way. You want to turn someone, how about we begin the Ted Dibiase face turn and bring up Joe Henning or even turn Carlito and Primo and put them in the crew. Might be a nice push for the duo from San Juan.

Thanks for reading. Please send any and all feedback to Lets go Mets and be well everyone