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By Todd Oblak on 6/2/2009 8:33 AM
What does WWE gain by releasing Kennedy right now?  Ratings aren't great and he was returning to a lot of hype......and after one match where he dumps Orton not perfectly on a back suplex and was holding his wrist afterwards......he is released?!?  It doesn't make a whole lot of sense to me.....
I mean, the fan reactions to Kennedy have been a LOT better than some of the other talent they have kept around for a long time.....and I've never heard much about his attitude being a problem......I mean, he seems to get along fairly well backstage with everyone.  Didn't he also take his wellness violation and suspension in stride?  I mean he was built up for a big role in the company and that happened.....he did his time, went to SmackDown (still a big star) and then got injured and continued to work in a speaking role while he was rehabbing.....promoting the movie and trying to encourage MVP.....sounds like a pretty decent employee to me.  I mean he never trashed any hotel rooms like a certain WWE champion did.....and at one point didn't Vince see Kennedy as his next main eventer?  I mean, he was gonna induct him into the family (kayfabe) for crying out loud?!?!  Do you give up that easily on him?  He's been injured twice that required significant time off in 4 years with the company (a triceps muscle injury and a freak shoulder joint injury, neither has to do with the other).  I have no idea how that makes him more "injury-prone" than someone like Rey Mysterio (knee injury and biceps injury) which happened in the span of 2 years?!?
So what if WWE is trying to draw some everyone?  I mean with all the releases and the economy the way it is.......why not?  Rally some folks around behind the "fired" wrestler to get a second chance.....sounds like a great wrestling storyline but updated for the internet-savvy 21st century to me.
Remember when Matt Hardy was canned.....then Edge slept with Lita and Matt made all that noise on his website and Vince rehired him just so they'd have a money feud on his shows?  Well, Matt is still employed to this day and has done pretty well for himself since that feud got people caring about him.
What if this is a rework on that idea?  What if this is a planned "release?"  What if Vince only let Orton & Kennedy in on this one?  Tell Orton to get pissed at how Kennedy worked a match then have them work the guys backstage by getting into a verbal confrontation backstage to make it real.....
Even if I'm way off, this could be a cool angle....Kennedy shows up in the audience (figures he can't do anything for 90 days or whatever) and keeps showing up to stare down the jackass that got him fired the day he returned.  WWE security could try to remove him and he would be a paying customer just like everyone else.  He could rant on his website.  Whatever, keep building up the feud and then strike.
How cool would that be?