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By Michael LeBlanc on 8/10/2010 2:58 PM

Bret Hart comes out in an old, grey Batman shirt?  Can’t he pick something from this decade?

How weak were Bret’s arguments for Jericho to rejoin Team WWE?

Couldn’t you name at least a few people “in the business” who could replace Jericho and Edge in the SummerSlam match?

Weren’t you all set to ridicule Edge for the quick back-and-forth flip decision regarding the team?

When did Cena learn Khali’s language?

Weeeeee, weeeeee….(courtesy of GEICO)!

Did Alicia Fox come close to dropping Melina on her head, or is it just me?  And did Melina come even closer to dropping herself on her own head a minute later?

How dead is the Anonymous GM gimmick (E-Mail Version) when they move the interruptions (well, one of two) to the commercial break?

Did Michael Tarver used to be a super spy or something?  Why else wear the black face mask?

Unless it was a shoot, one run into the ring steps takes out Mark Henry completely?

Was there some stepping on lines there in that Sheamus/Orton promo, or what?

The GM must be an awfully fast typist to get that long “e-mail” thought up, written, and sent in the two minutes he had, huh?

They gave the NXT rookies (season 2) a match on Raw?

Ahh, now we know why!

Okay, lets hope the people wearing the Twix shirts actually work for the company (or a distributor).  Otherwise…WTF?

So Bret wasn’t the only wrestler wearing pink and black tonight?

Did I actually see someone in the crowd wearing red and black face paint?

Don’t you wish the show could have been TV-14 for one special segment tonight (airing around 10:30)?

How does it feel to slide down a waterslide with virtually no water?

And yeah, aren’t Edge and Jericho flip-flopping a bit on their involvement in Team WWE?  Isn’t this proof they should have slowed this storyline down?

*     *     *


Overall, I liked tonight’s show.  The main storyline of Nexus vs. WWE was built up well, and I really liked the main event and aftermath.  Assuming they can bring new elements into the mix, I wouldn’t be surprised (or mind) if they continued this storyline after SummerSlam.  I also liked the Bourne/Miz match.  It was nice to see Melina back in action – I just wish she had some better opponents.

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