RAW - 30/07/2012 E: revinsamuel@rogers.com
What this show needs to accomplish?
•Summerslam Hype. It’s time for WWE to stop stroking themselves for Raw 1000 and put the pressure on for the 20th anniversary of Summerslam!
•Brock Lesnar-Triple H. WWE needs to find a way to keep Brock Lesnar special and that’s going to be tricky for them since the person he’s feuding with is one Triple H
•CM Punk’s promo. This is a tough one. Does Punk turn straight out? If so how do you do it without being transparent? WWE usually doesn’t have enough respect for their audience to do smart turns so I’d like to see how this one is pulled off to where you aren’t agreeing with what Punk is saying
•Big Show cost John Cena the title and made it so he is the first person to cash in MITB and not win the title. This can’t be lost in the shuffle, Cena should be upset about it and it should be acknowledged that he is the first person not to deliver on this
•AJ as GM. Just don’t overexpose the character
•Daniel Bryan. It seems like Daniel Bryan is going down the path of anger issues as we lead to a possible confrontation with Charlie Sheen. My concern is that Bryan will become too goofy and we need to be careful where that is concerned
•Chris Jericho-Dolph Ziggler. I’ve really enjoyed the basic storytelling of this feud and I’m interested in seeing how it progresses this week
•Three Hour Raw. This is going to be a difficult show to pace and balance out. We don’t want the show or the first hour in particular to be filled with plugs for Touts, Twitter and in show advertising
•Finally Randy Orton returns. It will be interesting to see where they plug Orton in as they have a several different routes they can go with him
Show Breakdown
What this show accomplished?
The Good
•Three Hours equals quality and extended wrestling matches
•Summerslam card begins to take shape with three matches announced
•Daniel Bryan is knocking it out of the park. I am not sure this is the best usage of him, but he’s doing a bang up job with it either way
•Handling of CM Punk. I thought the handling of CM Punk was fine and in no way did they try to insult our intelligence
•Randy Orton returns and he looked well rested and it will be interesting to see where they go with him
•Alberto Del Rio refusing to wrestle unless it’s a title match. I like this alot, but it’s a question of whether they will actually go through with it
•Hook for Smackdown. A solid hook for Smackdown with Mr. McMahon appearing to announce the general manager.
•Damien Sandow and Brodus Clay. I hope this turns into more than just an angle to show how intense Sandow is; because both guys have been squashing people so putting them together for a program could be interesting
•Jericho and Ziggler continue the back and forth antics. I’d like to see some mic work coming up to develop their program further
The Bad
•Video Packages. WWE ran way too many video packages and normally I am for video packages, but they went overboard tonight especially as it relates to Brock and Hunter. I don’t recall them announcing anything for next week as it relates to Brock and Hunter, but hopefully they have something lined up, because I don’t need to see these video packages ever again. Also what happened to the divas division? You can’t have a women’s match instead of repeating the same video packages over and over again?
•AW. AW continues to develop go away heat and it looks like following his Kobe Bryant comment he’ll be getting a ton more heat
•Kane randomly attacks Daniel Bryan backstage. This was just weird and unnecessary. The issue with having guys like Kane and Show on the roster is sticking out again this week as it’s two guys who have been around forever and deserve programs so they end up hindering other guys such as Cena, Punk and Bryan
•AJ. I did not like her in this role for week on
•Pick the match stipulation poll. WWE needs to give the “WWE Universe” better poll options then two matches that are the exact same in street fight and no holds barred
•Triple Threat match announced. This was so standard and predictable that WWE would have been better off just announcing the match at the beginning of the show
Overall Thoughts
•This was a solid show, but it was way too long. This was not the best start to the three hour era and WWE definitely needs to work on their formula and pacing going forward
What needs to be accomplished on next week’s Raw?
•Summerslam push. The push to Summerslam continues. I’d like to see Jericho-Ziggler announced and we definitely need some sort of segment with Brock and Hunter. It’s Shawn Michaels appreciation night and if Shawn is up for it, I’d have Brock obliterate him!
Feedback: revinsamuel@rogers.com
•Cut back on the video packages. WWE has sixteen writers and tons of talent that they can fill up time with matches or promos ahead of some of these video packages. The new three hour format is a perfect opportunity to make use of the divas division