Strong Style Wrestling Presents: "Thanksgiving Throwdown"
1. Shane Mercer defeated Rod Street, JJ Garrett, Mallaki Matthews, Johnny Long, Jun Hado, Kyle Maverick, and Lightning Bolt Johnson in a Guantlet match.
2. Anthony Toatele defeated Alexander Kirk and Kongo Kong in a Handicap match, after Kong turned on Kirk and left him in the match.
3. Melanie Cruise defeated Mickie Knuckles to become the AIWF Womens World Champion
4. Chase Matthews defeated Christian Rose
5. The Soul Shooters defeated The 4 Star Heroes
6. Jack Thriller defeated Heidi Lovelace
7. Ruff Crossing defeated John Wayne Murdoch
8. Matt Cage defeated Louis Lyndon
9. Scotty Young defeated Al Snow
10. Sugar Dunkerton defeated Remi Wilkins in a Last Man Standing Match