GOUGE presents the Redneck Rumble on Sunday Feb 8, 2015 at Motorco in Durham. The show includes a 20 man rumble style battle royal with the winner meeting GOUGE champion Jimmy Jack Funk Jr that night. among the wrestlers already signed to appear include Seymour Snott, Shawn Alexander, Timmy Lou Retton, the Mexican adult film star Juan Jeremi, Former WWE/TNA/ECW superstar Otto Schwanz, the Boy Band group NO Direction (Encore, Carolina Kid, Ryan Miller), Fabulous Frankie Fontaine, Tantilizing Tito Rains, James Anthony, Victor Andrews, Robyn Golphin , the monster Michael Myers, the $5 superstar Storm Maverick, Mickey Gambino, Redman, $5 legend Raider Rock and more. doors open 3PM