The prestigious JT Lightning Invitational Tournament is a two night 24 person professional wrestling tournament presented by Absolute Intense Wrestling celebrating the life of long time Cleveland area professional wrestling promoter James "JT Lightning" Haase who tragically died of cancer in 2011 at the age of 41.
The JT Lightning Invitational Tournament was created in 2012 to honor the memory of the late, great JT Lightning who with his Cleveland All Pro Wrestling promotion helped launch the careers of many Cleveland based professional wrestlers throughout the 1990's and early 2000's and gave young upstarts from the Midwest such as CM Punk and Colt Cabana a place to work on a regular basis and hone their craft.
Since 2012 the tournament has become one of the most talked about independent wrestling events in the entire world and has featured some of the biggest stars in the industry and the 2016 tournament is shaping up to be the biggest tournament to date. The two night tournament will take place on May 27th & 28th in Cleveland, Ohio and will feature 24 of the very best professional wrestlers in the world including Former UFC Champion and current UFC Hall Of Famer Dan "The Beast" Severn, Raymond Rowe, DJ Z,Homicide, Mexico's Laredo Kid, Ireland's Damo O'Connor, Tracy Williams, and many more!