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By Mike Johnson on 6/22/2016 10:06 AM

The United Wrestling Coalition returns to Kelly’s Bar/Banquet Hall in Wrightstown, New Jersey THIS SATURDAY, June 25, 2016 for UWC Fan Appreciation Night! Doors open at 6:30 with a 7:00 p.m. bell time, and admission is $10.

At our last event, fans filled out ballots to vote for the matches they want to see at Fan Appreciation Night! Fans voted for three championship matches, two dream matches, a specialty match, and match pitting their favorite wrestler against their most hated wrestler.

In the Favorite vs. Most Hated Match, as decided by the fans, the ever popular Silly Billy will square off with the man UWC fans hate the most: Textbook Philly Madison, now accompanied by his new manager, the devious Mr. Black!

Wrestling fans also voted for three championship matches. The Tag Team Title match will see UWC Tag Team Champions The United Force (Warhead & Spectrum) defend their belts against a very unique combination: the two highest vote-getters were T.G.I. Fredo Majors and.... The “Jersey Shore Madman” Slayer! Majors and Slayer have been at odds with each other for months, so it will be interesting to see how they function as a team. We also can’t help but wonder if their usual respective partners--“Brilliant” Bobby Banks and Rudo The Heel--will interject themselves in the match somehow.

Fans also voted to see UWC United States Champion “The One” Geoffrey Bravo defend his title against a man who has not appeared in the UWC for more than a year but makes his return at Fan Appreciation Night: none other than MIGHTY MO! The enormously popular Mighty Mo is the second longest-reigning US Champion of all time, and the fans want to see him win back the belt!

The fans have spoken: In the Heavyweight Title match, Champion The “Thriller” Andd Bivians puts the gold on the line against perhaps the toughest individual to ever set foot in a UWC ring.... The “Extreme Redneck” Chuck Payne! UWC fans recall the classic series of matches Payne had against Jimmy Lyon last year and deemed him the most worthy contender for Andd Bivians. Who will come out on top in this one? Find out THIS SATURDAY!

You’ll also see a Survivor Series-style Elimination Tag Team Match, PLUS Adam “Aces” Chandler, JJ Cruz with his manager Craig Z-List, Dave Davis, Craig Francis, The “Lost Boy” Jay Kirby, LXV, Nate Mustang, Bobby Piper, Ring Announcer Daisy, and MORE !

Remember, UWC’s June 25, 2016 Fan Appreciation Night at Kelly’s Bar/Banquet Hall, 14 Railroad Avenue, Wrightstown, NJ 08562 is THIS SATURDAY! Bell time is 7:00 p.m., and tickets are $10.

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