W Pro Matchmaker, AJ Orsini has just announced that from this Saturday (July 23rd) through 11:59pm Sunday July 24th (11:59 pm) you can get THREE General Admission tickets for only $20.00!
For $20.00 you get THREE GA seats to 2KW Pro VI presented by Run-In Radio on July 30th at Daro's Extreme Fitness on 1123 Close Avenue in the Bronx, New York!
How to get this deal is by sending $20.00 via PAYPAL to 2KWPro@Gmail.com. In the notes section, leave your name for our ticket staff.
IF you live in New York City and DO NOT have paypal: Email 2KWPro@gmail.com OR contact us on Facebook (2KW Pro) and we will be able to get tickets TO YOU!
Impact Wrestling's Jade & Eddie Kingston vs. EYFBO sponsored by El Toro's Blogs
2KW Pro's first Women's match
Ashley Vox vs. Hellen Vale
Sizzling Stan Styles w/ Stephie Silver vs. Sonny Kiss "The Concrete Rose"
EA James vs. FEDERATED Wrestling's VsK
Six man tag: Certified Sexy vs. The G.O.A.T sponsored by Insert Media
The Element vs. The Super Savages
Grudge Match: "Sir" William Black vs. "The Future" Sebastian Cage!
FACEBOOK LIVE Fight presented by ICW New York's One Night Stand: "Ironfist" Joe Bulrog vs. Nolan Avila
Get your tickets now for only $10.00 ($12 at the door) and a limited time offer of a T-shirt and a Ticket for only $20.00 at 2KWpro.com orTopRopeReport.com