HPW Wrestling returned to the HPW Arena with a 170 fired up wrestling fans. They went home happy seeing a great show and showing their love to Handsome Jimmy Valiant!
HPW Wrestling
Columbus, IN
HPW CruiserWeight Title Match
Bobby Black kept the belt beating Johnathan Wolfe & Scarecrow Eddie Felson in a great match
Cousin Cooter destroyed Mad Dog Jesse Sawyer
Lightning Bolt kept The HPW TRI State belt beating Drax O'Brien
Handsome Jimmy Valiant & Sexy Shawn Cook beat Guy Lombardo & Billy Bart
JKO Pinned Kid Thunder
Too Cool kept the HPW Tag Belts against TVZ when the ref call for a DQ
Dynamite Dillen became the New HPW Heavyweight Champion when he pinned Vic The Bruiser
HPW Wrestling returns to the HPW Arena Saturday November 5th for their 18 Year Anniversay Show and their 12th Annual FIREMEN'S CHEER FUND Toy Drive show to help kids in need in Bartholomew County at Christmas!!