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By Mike Johnson on 11/7/2016 2:40 PM

HPW Wrestling returned to the HPW Arena with a full house of the best wrestling fans in the business. HPW Fans helped raise over $1000.00 in cash and toys for the Columbus IN Firemen's Cheer Fund to help kids at Christmas! The Fans went home happy seeing a great show and showing their love to Firemen's Cheer Fund. Thanks to The Night Owl Country Band for performing and all the CFD Firemen who came out and supported the show! Thanks to all the show sponsors!


HPW Wrestling



4-H Fairgrounds

Columbus, IN

ATT-Full House


Doink beat Cody Daniels

Clint Poe pinned Kenny Cage

Ladies Match

Paris Kelly pinned Haley Shadows

Dog Collar Match

Cousin Cooter beat Mad Dog Jessie

Lover Leaves Town for HPW TRI State belt

Drax O'Brien became the New Tri State Champ

sending Lightning Bolt away

Street Fight

TVZ Beat Too Cool in a great match that had the fans fired up

Ladder Match for HPW Cruiserweight Title

Scarecrow Eddie Felson pinned Bobby Black to win the belt

HPW Title Match

Dynamite Dillen pinned Timmy Danger to keep the belt

Promoter Jerry Wilson beat Diamond Dan in a Arm Wrestling contest to keep

100% ownership of HPW and sending Dan and Manager D Rose out the door.

D Rose Diamond Dan's Manager came out with a birthday cake for Jerry wanting

his job back. He ended up with a face full of cake when Firemen Ben Noblitt

smashed the cake into Rose's face which the HPW Fans loved and cheered big time

when as they left the building! 


HPW Wrestling Returns Saturday December 3rd to Columbus, IN