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By Larry Goodman on 5/3/2017 9:50 AM

Peachstate Wrestling Alliance Report from Carrollton on April 29

From Larry Goodman:

It was another stimulating evening at Peachstate Wrestling Alliance. Not as overtly wild and wooly as two weeks ago but with seeds being planted and stuff bubbling under the surface. 

After a relatively underwhelming series of opening matches, business picked up with the babyface vs. babyface six man tag, then got really intriguing when what appeared to be a light-hearted good gay vs. bad gay feud took a dark turn. By the time the main event ended with the most hated heel in the company getting sympathy, the Peachstate fans weren’t sure what to think or feel. Fine and dandy as long as they still care. 

Kevin Sullivan said the worst thing that can happen to a booker is to fall into a pattern. Rick Michaels and partner-in-crime Shane Noles have taken Sullivan’s words to heart with wickedly unpredictable results. Where it all leads only the shadow knows. What we do know is Survivor Games 3 is seven weeks away.

Attendance at the VFW Fairgrounds was a shade under 200. By Fairgrounds standards, last night was a walk in the park for security -- no medical emergencies or threats to jump the rail.

Zanders called Noles out and claimed Noles beat him at the last show only because he didn't take the match seriously. Zanders cautioned Noles to watch his back because you never know who might be joining The Reckoning. Out came the returning P-Dog (Mike Posey).  Noles said it was the perfect time to introduce the newest member of his crew. What Zanders didn’t reckon on was that new member was Posey, who promptly dropkicked Zanders. 

(1) P-Dog (with Shane Noles) defeated Zanders by count out. P-Dog got the upper hand and went up top for the Alabama Jam. Zanders powdered out and that was that. The Peachstate fans welcomed P-Dog into the babyface fold with open arms. 
(2) Billy Buck defeated Alan Angels in 6:10. Surprisingly huge pop for Buck, who hadn’t been at Peachstate in 2 yearsand was never a regular. Buck said if felt great to be back. I guess so. Buck’s offense deposited Angels outside the ring. Angels got a classic West Georgia “you scared” chant so he must have been doing something right. The fans were quick to get behind Buck when Angels got the advantage. Buck chopped the crap out of the rookie, hit Angels with an array of his signature moves and finished him off with the superkick. Hardly a competitive match, but Buck's work was crisp and he got over great.

(3) ”The Exotic One” Ashton Starr defeated Tommy Maserati in 6:02. Starr used Simon Sermon’s music again. His look of contempt for Maserati was tremendous. Maserati came out flying, all 125 pounds of him. Starr took over with a nifty double neckbreaker. Starr snuffed out a rally attempt with a well-placed dropkick and cheered for himself before making the cover. Starr missed with a flying leap into the corner, doing damage to his pudenda. Starr hit Maserati with a flying ass before pinning him with an axe kick. Starr was so entertaining that it was no problem to look past the lack of a credible opponent.

Peachstate got away with using Maserati and Angels in these spots but I sure hope they don’t make a regular habit out of it.

AJ Steele and Drew Adler were a man short for their trios match. Steele said Sal Rinauro was resting an injury so they decided to go two against three. Buck’s music hit. Buck said he had something to prove and asked Steele and Adler for the opportunity to be their partner. 

(4) Drew Adler & AJ Steele & Billy Buck defeated Beautiful Bald Besties (Michael Stevens & Zac Edwards) & Shane Noles in 11:15. Besties immediately squared off with Adler. It looked the members of Backbone were going to let bygones be bygones. Not. Besties attacked Adler, who made a quick comeback. Both teams attempted to isolate one of their opponents, but all of their tactics were within the rules. Crowd was quiet, wanting to root for everyone and against no one. Adler took a great bump over the top hitting his face on the ring frame. Besties and Noles worked on Adler with all clean stuff. Steele made the only Save of the match after Edwards hit an Edge-o-matic on Adler. Steele batted clean up. The highlight saw Steele reverse Noles’ wishful thinking belly-to-belly suplex. Adler hit a tope to take out the Besties. Noles pulled the ropes to spill Steele but didn’t see Buck make the tag. Buck then superkicked the unsuspecting Noles for the win. This was a well-worked match with the crowd seemingly not knowing how to react. 

Handshakes all around after the match. Steele had a message for the Kingsmen. There were six men looking to kick their asses. The fans were in full agreement.

Ring announcer Jason Boyd said PWA would return on May 6 with all tickets priced at $10 and a women’s battle royal to crown inaugural women’s champion. Pandora was out for in-ring photos with the fans during the intermission. 

(5) Simon Sermon defeated AC Mack in 8:34. Mack hijacked his ring intro from Boyd. He talks with confidence. Sermon’s entrance got the pop of the night. Mack wanted no part of all that Exotic jazz. Mack offered to shake hands and kicked Sermon in the knee instead. Mack worked over the knee with Sermon selling it big. Mack gets it as a heel. 

Starr merrily skipped his way to ringside where he donned Sermon’s ring jacket. As Sermon took note of this disturbing turn of events, Mack tried to blindside him with double flying knees. Sermon stepped aside and rolled Mack up. 

The postmatch was a compelling piece of business. Sermon invited Starr into the ring. “Hey sweetheart, it’s OK. Come on in. Let me introduce myself. I am the Exotic One. It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance young lady.” Sermon critiqued Starr’s attire. The non-working zippers were cute but not quite exotic. The shoes were horrible. Sermon said he was issuing a cease and desist order. Starr couldn’t use his music or wear his clothes. Sermon made Starr take the jacket off. “The Empress has no clothes. Now get your chicken-leg butt out of here.” 

“One more thing, Play MY music,” said Sermon. Starr watched from the stage as the building reverberated for Sermon’s exotic gyrations in the ring. With a flip of his weave, Starr disappeared through the curtain. 

The Kingsmen’s head honcho Bill Behrens addressed the fans, calling Tommy Too Much the greatest champion in PWA history and referring to Triston Michaels as his adopted son. BB said the only grudge Kevin Blue should have is one against the PWA for making this match. 

BB trotted out the alternative facts. The edict by “the minion” (Commissioner Eddy Layne) wasn’t the real reason his Kingsmen weren’t at ringside. It was his unilateral decision that they were not needed.

(6) Kevin Blue defeated Tommy Too Much (with Behrens and Triston) in a non-title grudge match at 11:11. Crowd was about 80/20 in favor of Blue. The Peachstate fans have no love for Blue but Tommy is such a miserable prick. T2M no sold Blue’s chop (he’s been chopped to death by the likes of Steele and Jimmy Rave). Blue poked him in the eyes. T2M returned the favor when Blue no sold his chop. They pulled each other’s hair. Blue tossed T2M over the top rope. A heated ringside brawl ensued. T2M slung Blue across the timekeeper’s table. Blue answered with punch after punch. Blue applied a Fujiwara armbar using the ropes for extra leverage but referee Terry Hudgins caught the cheating. There were a couple of kick outs at one to changes things up. BB and Triston got their filthy hands on Blue behind the ref’s back. Blue grabbed BB by the lapel. T2M saved him by catapulting Blue’s throat into the bottom rope. T2M used heart punches to set up a top rope rana but Blue slipped out of it. As Blue came off the top, T2M caught him with a low blow. Blue kicked out of T2M’s uber arrogant one foot cover. Blue nailed T2M with a Yakuza kick. T2M went down face first and barely kicked out before the three count. Both men were down when a masked man with long black hair came to ringside and slid a chair to Blue. Blue wedged the chair between the ropes, whipped T2M into it and pinned him. Seems like it would have taken more to put the champion away. Setting the finish aside, I liked this match a lot. It felt like an old school fight. They did some different things and avoided the overworked indy wrestling clichés.

The masked man started pounding T2M. Jacob Ashworth and Zanders hit the ring and all four members of Reckoning were beating on the champion. Behrens was screaming for Kyle (Matthews) and Logan (Creed) to rescue Tommy, who was in such a helpless state that even the Peachstate fans were starting to have sympathy for him. Blue invited Behrens into the ring to get his boy. Behrens got as far as the ring apron when his knee suddenly gave out. Security had to help him to the back. 

The show closed with Reckoning celebrating to excess while Tommy’s lifeless carcass was dragged to the dressing room. 

Peachstate Wrestling Alliance will be at the VFW Fairgrounds in Carrollton, GA.  Advertised:  Brooklynn Page vs. Ventress vs. Ashton Starr vs. Pandora vs. Crystal Rose vs. Jessica Leigh vs. Harlow O'Hara in a women's battle royal. O'Hagan vs. AJ Steele for the PWA No Limits championship.  Logan Creed vs. Shane Noles.  The Reckoning (Kevin Blue & Zanders) vs. The Beautiful Bald Besties (Michael Stevens & Zac Edwards).  Drew Adler vs. Jacob Ashworth.  Also advertised are Sal Rinauro, Kyle Matthews, Ace Haven, Mike Posey.  The venue is located at 1625 Bankhead Highway. Tickets are $12 front row, $11 second row, $10 general admission and $6 children ages 7-15 general admission.  Doors open at 7:00 PM and bell time is at 8:00.