CWE Presents FREE Event At Tim Horton's Great Transcona Camp Out.
For the second straight year Canadian Wrestling's Elite will be presenting a FREE afternoon of live professional wrestling action at The Great Transcona Camp Out in support of The Tim Horton's Children Foundation!
Taking place on Sunday, May 28th at 3pm in the Tim Horton's parking lot located at 1495 Regent Ave. Canadian Wrestling's Elite will be a part of a week's worth of entertainment and spectacles taking place at the location to raise awareness and raise funds for the Tim Horton's Children Foundation.
The event is FREE but donations to the foundation are highly encouraged!
Already signed to appear,
3x Champion "Hotshot" Danny Duggan
CWE Tag Team Champion "The Crazed Cowboy" Jacob Creed
Zero-1 Alumni "Second To None" Alex Anthony
Tasty Travis
And much more!
The Tim Horton Children's Foundation is dedicated to fostering within our children the quest for a brighter future.
1 in 6 children across Canada and the United States live in economically disadvantaged homes1. For these children, opportunities and environments that promote their growth into healthy individuals are often limited.
A Foundation camp experience provides programs to help these children develop lifelong skills. When they return home, they bring with them a positive attitude about their future, and the confidence to achieve goals they learned to set for themselves.
Foundation camp experiences are designed to help young people become responsible, caring and motivated individuals. Our campers return home more likely to:
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