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By Brian Cannon on 6/15/2017 7:33 AM

This is the OVW Report for Wednesday, June 14, 2017. This episode can be seen on WBNA-21 in the Louisville area on Saturday at 11AM and 10PM, and online on Monday at In this episode,the Legacy of Brutality faces the Bro Godz, Rev. Stu faces a gauntlet for the chance to become OVW Television Champion, Shannon the Dude talks too much for his own good, plus more!

Without further ado:


Here we go...

Pre-Show Dark Matches:


"The Vet Express": Apollo & "Rudo" Raul LaMotta defeat David Lee Lorenze III & Dre BlitzThe Vets are in control with Blitz. David calls him an idiot and tags in. David gets control after Blitz trips Raul from the outside. Raul is worked over for a bit before a hot tag to Apollo. Apollo fires away and calls Raul back in. They hit a double big boot to Blitz, and then David. They try a double-team maneuver on David, but David flips out of it and leaves the ring. Blitz turns into their finisher: an inverted atomic drop from Apollo and a shoulder tackle from Raul for the 3.

OVW Southern Tag Team Champion "Bad Boy" Shane Andrewsdefeats "Livewire" KTD. KTD with quick early offense, but Shane comes back with chops, a snapmare, and a kick to the back. KTD fires back and hits a cross body, but Shane kicks out. Shane kicks KTD and delivers a brain buster for the 3.


That concludes tonight's pre-show dark matches. I always recommend watching the episode first on TV or online before reading the rest of the report. Again, you can check it out on WBNA ion-21 in the Louisville area Saturdays at 11AM and 10PM (check local listings) and on OVW's official website Mondays at

Gilbert Corsey & Dean Hill are on commentary, and KC is the ring announcer.

"The Legacy of Brutality": Ca$h Flo & Dapper Dan (w/Josh Ashcraft) defeat "The Bro Godz": Colton Cage & Dustin JacksonThe Legacy tries to attack, but the Bros duck, fire away on them and deliver dropkicks. Dan falls out of the ring, and the Bros "Bro-thesline" Ca$h out of the ring. They celebrate and the Legacy regroups and plows over them as they get back in. Cage is chopped and worked over for a while. He gets the hot tag to Dustin, and Dustin takes it to Dan, and hits a flying body press for 2 as Ca$h breaks up the pin. Cage comes in and hits a spin kick to Ca$h and a scissor kick, but Ca$h plows him over off the ropes. Meanwhile, Dan hits Dustin with a release German suplex, and the Legacy hits the Final Chapter finisher on Dustin for the 3.

After the match, Jessie Belle comes out in a seductive outfit, distracting the Legacy. As Ca$h & Josh are distracted, Shane Andrews sneaks in the other side, grabs Dan, and delivers a brain buster.

Gilbert Corsey brings out Adam Revolver, who is accompanied byShannon the Dude. Gilbert says that everyone is talking about how he "backed in" to the Heavyweight Title match with Big Jon at the July 1 SNS. Adam says the fact of the matter is that rules are the winner became #1 contender, no matter how you want to look at it. Shannon talks about how he is a fighting champion and will face anyone, anytime, anywhere, because he's never lost.

Big Jon comes out and says STD will defend anytime, anywhere? He says he's funny, he wore a two times too small speedo at the last SNS, but luckily Adam and his pasty white self blinded half the crowd from having to see it. Adam says he shouldn't be out here as Dean Hill enters the ring.

Adam tells Dean to tell Jon to leave. Dean says he has an idea for the next SNS. Since he had a special referee for the last SNS and Danny Davis called things down the middle and it worked well, he will have a special referee for Jon & Revolver's match, Mike Hayes. He then says if Shannon is willing to defend anytime, anywhere, the main event for tonight will be Shannon vs. Big Jon!

OVW TELEVISION TITLE GAUNTLET: "The Pastor of Disaster"Rev. Stu Miles defeats Damion. Stu wins very quickly after hitting the claw slam.

"The Pastor of Disaster" Rev. Stu Miles defeats Chace Destiny. Stu chops Chace, but Chace takes out the left knee. He locks in a figure four, but Stu is able to break out. Stu comes back and delivers the claw slam for the 3.

"The Pastor of Disaster" Rev. Stu Miles defeats Jade Dawson (c)(w/Chace Destiny & Damion). Jade attacks Stu from behind and there are some near falls and distractions by Chace & Damion, but Jade can't put Stu away. Jade distracts the ref and Damion & Chace jump off the top rope from different corners. Stu catches them both, then delivers claw slams to both. Stu turns into a kick and snap DDT attempt from Jade, but Stu escapes, then claw slams Jade, gets the 3, and we have a NEW TV Champion!

TRIPLE THREAT MATCH (Winner receives a TV Title shot Saturday in E-Town): "River City Dragon" LJ defeats "The Winter Swoldier" Adam Slade & Kevin Giza. This was a very good back and forth match with several near falls. A cool move where Slade is about to belly to back suplex LJ off the top, and Giza gets under Slade and powerbombs him as he bell-to-backs LJ. In the end, Slade hits a swinging cutter on Giza, but as he drops, LJ flies off the top with a frog splash on Slade to get the 3.

David Lee Lorenze III comes out. He is accompanied by a red-haired female, Lukas Gibson Jacobs, KTD, & Houdini. He says they are here to audition to be his lackey...he means assistant. He hands each of them a script and they read lines about Justin Smooth. The lines say Smooth is stupid, a loser, and lost fair and square to David at the Rusty Bucket.

He brings out Dre Blitz, who comes out with the Justin Smooth mask on again. Blitz asks why he's out here again, this is stupid. David says just to read the line. Blitz refuses, saying Smooth's cool and a friend. He tells the others to get him, and Blitz hits all 3, but David clocks him from behind with the clapperboard...and scene!

RADIO WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT TITLE: OVW Heavyweight Champion Big Jon defeats Shannon the Dude (c) (w/Adam Revolver)by DQ. Adam & STD go to the outside, and Jon goes out after them. He chops Adam and STD jumps on his back. Jon walks around the ring, up the steps and to the apron with him and flips him in the ring. Adam gets back on the apron and distracts Jon. STD grabs powder and throws it in Jon's eyes. He hits Jon in the back and goes off the ropes. He runs into Jon and knocks himself down. He goes up top and jumps off, but Jon catches him for a chokeslam. Adam is back on the apron, Jon shoves STD down and goes back after Adam. STD grabs more powder, but Jon moves, and STD throws it in Adam's eyes. Jon bounces Adam's head off the top turnbuckle from the apron 3 times and goes back after STD. Adam gets in and hits Jon in the back with a chair causing the DQ.

After the match, Jon pulls the chair away and big boots Adam. He splashes him in the corner, and goes for a chokeslam, but Adam slips out and escapes the ring.
This ended the TV taping.


Post-Show Dark Matches:


OVW WOMEN'S TITLE: Cali (c) vs. "Bad Girl" Jessie Belle (w/"Bad Boy" Shane Andrews) ends in a no-contest. A decent back and forth contest that ends after the Legacy of Brutality comes out and attacks Shane at ringside. Jessie gets out of the ring and jumps on Dapper Dan, and rakes his eyes. Ca$h Flo grabs Jessie, and Cali dropkicks him in the back. He grabs them both and Shane comes up from behind and blasts him in the back with a steel chair.

The Legacy retreats and Josh Ashcraft says Shane has made his deathbed.

As always, thanks for reading!