This is the OVW Report for Wednesday, June 21, 2017. This episode can be seen on WBNA-21 in the Louisville area on Saturday at 11AM and 10PM, and online on Monday at In this episode, Shane Andrews faces Dapper Dan, Adam Revolver faces Big Zo with Shannon the Dude banned from ringside, Cali defends the Women's Title against Mickie Knuckles, plus more!
Without further ado:
Here we go...
Pre-Show Dark Matches:
Ca$h Flo (w/Dapper Dan & Josh Ashcraft) defeats "Livewire" KTD.Ca$h with the hard chops and throws KTD to the floor where Dan hits him and throws him back in. Ca$h misses a legdrop and KTD gets in some shots, but is caught off the top rope. Ca$h with a fall away slam and then the Wall Street Crash for the 3. After the match, Ca$h & Dan hit KTD with the Final Chapter.
"The Void": Chace Destiny, Damion, & Jacob Black (w/Jade Dawson) defeats Randall Floyd & "The Bro Godz": Colton Cage & Dustin Jackson. Everyone gets a little of the action. In the end, Cage hits the sideburn effect on Chace for 2. He hits a kick that sends Chace into Damion, and Damion blind tags. Cage goes for the pin, but Damion gets in and rolls him up with a handful of tights for the 3.
That concludes tonight's pre-show dark matches. I always recommend watching the episode first on TV or online before reading the rest of the report. Again, you can check it out on WBNA ion-21 in the Louisville area Saturdays at 11AM and 10PM (check local listings) and on OVW's official website Mondays at
Dr. Ted McNaler & Ron Hed are on commentary, and KC is the ring announcer.
OVW TELEVISION TITLE: "The Pastor of Disaster" Rev. Stu Miles (c) vs. David Lee Lorenze III. Stu with a holy trinity of chops. David moves from a corner splash, hits a kick to the face, kicks Stu in the corner and delivers a corner clothesline. He then connects with a shining wizard. Stu comes back and hits 2 of the 3 amigos, but David reverses the last one into a neckbreaker drop. Stu comes back and delivers some healing.
David is down and the Void comes out and attacks both Stu & David.Jade Dawson hits both men with snap DDTs and says he is taking back the TV Title at the July 1 SNS.
Adam Revolver & Shannon the Dude come out. Adam says Michael Hayes better just ref and call it like he should at the SNS or Adam will knock him out. Dean Hill comes out, and Adam asks if he's here to apologize. Dean says no, and that the deal is done. He tells Adam he needs to worry more about his opponent in the main event tonight, Big Zo! He then tells Shannon the Dude he is banned from ringside. If he sees his face, he will be suspended for 2 weeks!
OVW WOMEN'S TITLE: Mickie Knuckles defeats Cali (c) by DQ. Cali goes right after Mickie, but Mickie quickly overtakes her with her power and size advantage. Cali locks in the cross armbar, but Mickie gets out and powerbombs her for 2. She hits the pumphandle slam, but again Cali kicks out at 2. Mickie rolls out and grabs the title. She brings it in to hit Cali, but Cali gets the title and clocks Mickie for the DQ. After the match, Mickie gets a mic and says she doesn't like rules. She challenges Cali to a no DQ, falls count anywhere match at the July 1 SNS.
Dapper Dan (w/Josh Ashcraft & Ca$h Flo) defeats "Bad Boy" Shane Andrews (w/"Double R Superstar" Randy Royal & "Bad Girl"Jessie Belle). A very good match that sees Shane with a flurry of kicks early. Dan is back with a huge clothesline after Ca$h trips Shane up. Shane comes back and takes Dan off his feet. He goes up for the frog splash, but Josh is on the apron. Jessie goes over and pulls him down and smacks him. Ca$h grabs her as Randy comes over. Ca$h hits Randy a couple times and charges at him, but Randy moves, and Ca$h goes face first into the ringpost. Josh throws Dan a chain while the madness is going on outside the ring, and Dan clocks Shane with it to get the 3.
After the match, Randy gets in and attacks Dan and sets up for the Royal Flush, but Ca$h is back in and attacks from behind. The Legacy double teams Randy and then corners Jessie, who was checking on Shane. Jessie hits Ca$h and Dan both and low blows Josh. Dan & Ca$h corner her again as Big Zo runs out to help and takes out both Legacy members.
Adam Revolver then runs out and attacks Zo from behind, taking out his left knee to soften him up for the main event.
"The Young Lion" Tyler Matrix defeats "The Winter Swoldier"Adam Slade. Slade runs his usual lap around the ring, then says he's feeling good, so he does a second lap. He then says this lap is for Matrix as he starts a third. Matrix baseball slides into him as he's halfway through lap 3. He then runs off the ropes and dives outside onto Slade. He hits rolling thunder for 2. Slade comes back with a few moves, but Matrix reverses out of one with a reverse DDT. He hits a running knee to the side of Slade's head and follows it up with the swanton for the 3.
Adam Revolver defeats Big Zo. Adam goes after the bad knee and locks in a Figure Four. Zo reverses it and starts to charge back. He hits 3 Zo trains, but a masked man runs out and Zo sees him. The masked man drops a chair and then tries to throw powder in Zo's face, but Zo knocks it away. While the ref and Zo are distracted, Adam gets the chair and takes it to the back of Zo's bad knee and pins him for the win.
After the match, Adam is about to inflict more damage. He wraps the chair around Zo's leg, but Big Jon runs out and mows him over. Adam rolls out to leave, but Tyler Matrix shows up at the curtain and throws him back in.
Jon chokeslams Adam, and Tyler hits the swanton. The masked man is about to leave, but is cut off at the curtain by Dean Hill. Dean asks if he thinks he is stupid. He tells Zo he got screwed over and asks him to unmask the masked man who is being held by Tyler & Jon. Zo unmasks the man to be Shannon the Dude, of course.
Dean says not only is he suspended for 2 weeks, but he is suspended for the Saturday Night Special!
This ended the TV taping.
Post-Show Dark Matches:
Dre Blitz & Apollo (w/Raul LaMotta) defeat Houdini & Christian Hernandez. A back and forth match. In the end, Apollo connects with an inverted atomic drop, then Blitz connects with the Blitz Kick and scores the pinfall much to the surprise of the fans, Apollo, Raul, and Blitz himself!
TRIPLE THREAT MATCH: "River City Dragon" LJ defeats Lukas Gibson Jacobs & Kevin Giza. This was a very good back and forth match with several near falls and a lot of moves out of the arsenal. In the end with Giza on the outside, LJ connects with a super kick to the head of Lukas, and it's followed up with a frog splash for the 3.
As always, thanks for reading!