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By Dylan Ellis on 7/11/2017 7:52 AM

WWN Alerts - July 11th, 2017 

EVOLVE 88 Recap

EVOLVE 88 Recap
Footage Of Surprising Title Change

A big "Thank You!" to everyone in Charlotte and Marietta who made the EVOLVE events last weekend a success. Due to your support, EVOLVE is working on return dates for each area! Now we turn the focus to the SHINE NOVA Title tournament on July 14th and 16th as well as Style Battle, FIP and EVOLVE in August. Let's get to it....


Jason Kincaid Went 2-0 In EVOLVE Last Weekend, He'll Look To Build On That Momentum In Joppa And Queens Next Month.
July 11th: Congrats to new EVOLVE Tag Team Champions Anthony Henry & James Drake. It was truly a surprising and special moment in Charlotte, NC last Saturday when they scored the upset of the year to defeat Chris Dickinson & Jaka for the championship. Henry & Drake have been added to EVOLVE cards on August 11th in Joppa, MD, August 12th in Queens, NY, September 22nd in Detroit, MI and September 23rd in Chicago, IL. Tickets for all those events are now on sale.


July 11th: Lio Rush will return to EVOLVE on August 11th in his home building of the MCW Arena in Joppa, MD. It will be something special because Lio's match has been signed. It will be WWN Champion Matt Riddle vs. Lio Rush in a non-title match on August 11th! Tickets are now on sale.


July 11th: After the happenings of last weekend, Keith Lee vs. Timothy Thatcher with Stokely Hathaway has been signed for EVOLVE 90 in Joppa, MD.


July 11th: Here's how the lineup shapes up right now for EVOLVE 90 in Joppa, MD on August 11th:


A Very Special Attraction Match - Non-Title

WWN Champion Matt Riddle vs. Lio Rush


Grudge Match

Keith Lee vs. Timothy Thatcher with Stokely Hathaway


Plus more to be signed with:

-EVOLVE Tag Tam Champions Anthony Henry & James Drake

-Catch Point of Tracy Williams, Chris Dickinson & Jaka

-Fred Yehi


-Ethan Page

-Darby Allin

-Austin Theory with Priscilla Kelly

-Jason Kincaid

-Plus others to be announced!!!


July 11th: Style Battle S1: E6 will take place August 4th in Ybor City, FL. Tickets are now on sale.


July 11th: Remember, you can save money on a great weekend of wrestling in Ybor City by getting a combo ticket to Style Battle on August 4th and FIP on August 5th.


LuFisto Makes Her Plans At SHINE NOVA Title Tournament Clear

LuFisto Makes Her Plans At SHINE
NOVA Title Tournament Clear

July 11th: Both ACH and Ethan Page have been fined an undisclosed amount of money for how they approached their match at EVOLVE 89.


July 11th: EVOLVE officials are finalizing the card for EVOLVE 91 in Queens, NY. We will have match announcements imminently. This is a hot selling ticket. Order now at while reserved ringside seats remain. The current lineup is:


WWN Championship Match

Matt Riddle defends vs. Tracy Williams


Plus more to be signed with:

-EVOLVE Tag Team Champions Anthony Henry & James Drake

-Talent from PROGRESS

-Keith Lee

-Fred Yehi

-Ethan Page


-Darby Allin

-Austin Theory with Priscilla Kelly

-Jason Kincaid

-Chris Dickinson


-Plus more!!!


July 11th: The last WWN Creative Seminar of the year will be on August 11th in Joppa, MD. This is for anyone interested in the promoting or creative side of wrestling. The last Creative Seminar also saw some promoters attend. This is a great chance to improve your skills. Go here for all the info.


July 11th: Thank you for reading today's WWN Alerts. We'll be back with more news soon.



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