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By Mike Johnson on 8/2/2017 12:17 PM
Chikarasaurs Rex returns THIS SATURDAY!

This Saturday, August 5th, don't miss out on your chance to see "Chikarasaurus Rex: Flesh and Stone" live in-person, or on, at 3:00pm EST! This weekend's return to iPPV features:

The Furies in atomicos action against KobaldOleg the UsurperCornelius Crummels, and Sonny Defarge! While The Furies are looking to use this match to hone their teamwork skills looking forward to "King of Trios", their counterparts may just be looking to co-exist. Can Kobald finally get Oleg to want to work with him? Will Crummels and Defarge smell better than the onions? Find out at "Chikarasaurus Rex: Flesh and Stone" August 5th

Missile Assault Man will get his hands on The Whisper at "Chikarasaurus Rex: Flesh and Stone"! The Whisper claims to want to help Missile Assault Man, but with the past few months of journal spillingblog posts, and awkward encounters can anyone be sure? This will be their first in-ring encounter, and The Whisper better hope he has something up his sleeve to avoid the rage pent up inside his foe!

Team Bike Cops cycle into action against Sloan CapriceHermit Crab, and Cajun Crawdad! While passing through the Police Academy: Cycle Division was no downhill ride, fighting a win from these three will certainly be an uphill climb. Find out which of these trios can pull out a victory, August 5th!

"Chikarasaurus Rex: Flesh and Stone" invades The Wrestle Factory this Saturday!
Don't be left out in the heat! Buy your ticket today!

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CHIKARA: Chikarasaurus Rex: Flesh and Stone
Saturday, August 5th, 2017 @ 3:00 pm
Emanating LIVE from The Wrestle Factory!
4711 Wingate Street :: Philadelphia, PA
Season 18 Tour Information HERE!

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Philadelphia, PA
Wolverhampton, UK
Chicago, IL
Kennebunk, ME
Haverhill, MA
Enfield, CT
Philadelphia, PA