CWE 4/15 Strong Style Sunday Results Ft. Lance Storm.
In a wild 24 hour period WWE/WCW/ECW Legend Lance Storm filled in at the last hour for a stranded by a snow storm Stan Hansen for a great night of live professional wrestling action! Here is what transpired,
1) La Sombra pinned Jordan Aries.
2) "The Diamond In The Rough" Cory Diamond beat El Verde Diablo.
3) "Big" Bobby Schink defeated "Pimp Daddy" Rick Matthews.
4) Roy "Flash" Gordon was victorious over Christian Strife.
5) Tyler James took a short cut to gain victory over Jak Lydon.
6) In a super heavyweight showdown "Big" Cliff Corleone beat The Widowmaker.
7) In A Pick Your Partner Tag Team Match, "Superstar" Tod Bullet & CWE Tag Team Champion "The Rebel" Bobby Collins beat the duo of Funky Firpo & Disco Stu.
8) In a non title Triple Threat Match CWE Champion "Canadian Hercules" Tyler Colton, "Hotshot" Danny Duggan, & "The Canadian Crusher" AJ Sanchez fought to a no contest.
9) The longest reigning CWE Tag Team Champions in CWE history Blazin' Dick answered The Primos Players Open Tag Team Challenge and made short work of Tasty Travis & "The Coach" Kelly Russell.
10) Cameron Stephens was declared the winner by disqualification against DRAGNEEL.
11) The team of "The Zombie Hunter" MENTALLO. "Outlaw" Adam Knight, & Stefan Epic defeated the team of "Fabulous Creebird" Kevy Chevy, "The Boston Brusier" Kevin O'Doyle, and CWE Hardcore Champion with Special Ringside Honorary Guest Lance Storm when MENTALLO pinned O'Doyle.
After the match O'Doyle attempted to attack Lance Storm and ate a super kick for his efforts.
CWE returns to Rookie's Sports Bar on June 15th with The 2018 Lethal Lottery!
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