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By Mike Johnson on 10/9/2018 7:30 AM

Meet WWE Legend Brutus "The Barber" Beefcake In Brandon.

It was with great disappointment from both CWE management and fans alike that due to scheduling conflicts with the facility we present CWE events out of in Brandon, Manitoba that one of CWE's hottest new markets, Brandon, Manitoba wouldn't be a part of the fun that is the CWE Struttin' & Cuttin' Tour.

However the day has been saved!

Although CWE is unable to present live professional wrestling in The Wheat City on this tour, Westman fans still get a chance to meet the icon Brutus "The Barber" Beefcake in Brandon!

On Thursday, November 15th between 12-2pm join Brother Bruti at the Eye Opener Book Store/Friendly Neighborhood Comic Shop to obtain an autographed picture and/or photo opportunity with the former WWF Tag Team Champion just as you would at the live event!

Check out this great story for more information