STARDOM results of “World Champions Wars 2019” from Tokyo, Japan at Korakuen Hall on 10/14/19.
This is also the opening day of the Tag League Tournament 2019. The show yesterday, which was to kick it off, was canceled due to the typhoon.
Tam Nakano pinned Saya Kamitani after a spin kick.
Hazuki and Natsuko Tora won a Gauntlet Match over Jamie Hayter and Andras Miyagi… Starlight Kid and Saya Iida… Konami and Death Yam-San… Hina and Leo Onozaki.
Yama-San and Konami eliminated Hina and Onozaki first when Yama-San pinned Hina.
Kid and Iida beat Yama-San and Konami via the over the top rope rule as Yama-San was sent out.
Hayter and Miyagi eliminated Kid and Iida when Hayter pinned Iida.
Hazuki and Tora eliminated Hayter and Miyagi to win the match by over the top rope rule when Miyagi was sent out.
Session Moth Martina and Natsu Sumire beat Zoe Lucas and Bobbi Tyler when Martina pinned Tyler with the Jagerbomb in a Blue Goddess Block Match for 2 points.
Mayu Iwatani and Saki Kashima beat Momo Watanabe and AZM when Iwatani pinned Watanabe after a moonsault in a Red Goddess Block Match for 2 points.
Wonder of Stardom Champion Arisa Hoshiki pinned Kagetsu after the Brazilian Kick. Jamie Hayter came out and made a challenge to Hoshiki after.
World of Stardom Champion Bea Priestley pinned Hana Kimura with the Queen’s Landing in nearly 22 minutes. Kimura earner the title shot by winning the 5-Star Grand Prix Tournament. Mayu Iwatani came out after to challenge Priestley for the title.
There was a huge announcement from Rossy Owaga to close the show. Giulia is now a member of STARDOM after publicly announcing that she quit Ice Ribbon a couple of hours before the STARDOM show began. She came out to the ring in street clothes and spoke to the crowd.