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By Shannon Walsh on 11/9/2019 6:19 PM

Madi Maxx beat Savannah Evans.

Tina San Antonio beat Vanity.

Candy Cartwright beat Notorious Nadi.

Ashley Vox and Delmi Exo won a 3-Way Tag Match over Brittany Blake and Avery Taylor… Gabby Gilbert and Lucious Latasha.

Natalia Markova beat Double D’Rose after interference from Candy Cartwright.

Alex Gracia beat Brandi Lauren by reverse decision as Lauren refused to let her go from the Rings of Lauren.

Nova Champion Shotzi Blackheart and SHINE Tag Team Champions Big Swole and Aja Perera beat SHINE Champion Allysin Kay, Marti Belle, and Jayme Jameson when Blackheart pinned Jameson after the diving senton. All the titles were on the line in the match.

Blackheart will face Kay in a title vs. title match tomorrow at EVOLVE. Kay told Blackheart to enjoy being in the midcard at NXT. EVOLVE was planning on creating a Women’s Title and this match would sure be the perfect way to do it in my view.

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