1/17- Updated CWE Pat Tanaka A Higher Impact Tour Matches.
The major announcement broke late last night that Shannon Moore's scheduled CWE debut would have to be rescheduled due to an unexpected WWE obligation he needs to tend to and that his 3 CWE appearances would be filled by WWF & AWA Legend Pat Tanaka!
The member of the iconic Orient Express will be competing in place of "The Prince Of Punk" on ALL 3 events, Jan 24-26.
January 24- Winnipeg, MB
CWE 123Approved.ca Hardcore Title Match
Champion "Big" Bobby Schink w/"The Mastermind" Kevin Cannon vs. WWF/AWA Legend Pat Tanaka
January 25- Saskatoon, SK
THRASH Wrestling Championship Match
Thrash Champion "Hotshot" Danny Duggan vs. WWF/AWA Legend Pat Tanaka
January 26- Regina, SK
WWF/AWA Legend Pat Tanaka vs. Weyburn Wrestling Sensation Davey O'Doyle
For full event information visit www.cwecanada.ca