FREE MATCH from the last EVOLVE event:
JD Drake vs. Jake Atlas vs. Curt Stallion
EVOLVE is already back in action this weekend with the finals stops on the Road To WRESTLExpo. WWE.com released some scoops today. Let's get to it....
Tyler Breeze To WRESTLExpo: "Prince Pretty" Tyler Breeze will be in action at EVOLVE 150 on April 4th at noon in Tampa! We'll have match announcements this week. Go to www.WRESTLExpo.com for tickets and info.
A-Kid To Accelerate: NXT UK Superstar A-Kid will compete in the Accelerate tournament on April 2nd in Tampa as part of WRESTLExpo. Matches will be announced this week for the loaded tournament. Go here for a look at the all star talent roster.
ATTN: IN RING TALENT - Opportunities To Go To Wrestlemania Week: WRESTLExpo in Tampa, FL will feature 10 events. There are still open spots on EVOLVE, WWN Supershow, Accelerate and Takeover Hangover. EVOLVE officials will be looking to fill those spots with talent from all upcoming EVOLVE Seminar/Tryouts and the EVOLVE Recruitment Camp at the end of the month. This is your opportunity to be discovered. Over 100 talents have seen action in NXT, EVOLVE, SHINE and other WWN Family promotions after being discovered in Seminar/Tryouts and Recruitment Camps. Several have earned EVOLVE contracts or been signed by WWE. The opportunity is real. The EVOLVE Seminar/Tryout is coming to Detroit and Chicago this weekend. This is your chance to get booked in Tampa during Wrestlemania week. Go to the WWNLive.com Seminar/Tryout section for info.
New Cards For EVOLVE This Weekend: Lots of matches have been added for EVOLVE this weekend. Take a look at what WWE.com released today:
EVOLVE 147 - This Saturday - Livonia, MI - Tix & Info
Watch live on Club WWN at WWNLive.com - It's only $9.99 per month!
NXT Superstar Meet & Greets:
-NXT North American Champion Keith Lee
-Tommaso Ciampa
-Mia Yim
-Jessi Kamea
EVOLVE Championship Match
Josh Briggs (c) vs. AR Fox with Ayla
Grudge Match
JD Drake vs. Brendan Vink
First-Time-Ever Match
Jake Atlas vs. Leon Ruff
No DQ Match
Stephen Wolf vs. Harlem Bravado
Mixed Tag Team Match
Denzel Dejournette & Avery Taylor vs. Anthony Greene & Brandi Lauren
Non-Title Match
EVOLVE Tag Team Champions BESTies In The World vs. Curt Stallion & Colby Corino
Hoss Fight
Joe Gacy vs. Jon Davis
Plus more with Jessi Kamea, Adrian Alanis, Liam Gray and talent from the EVOLVE Seminar/Tryout that afternoon!
EVOLVE 148 - This Sunday - Chicago, IL - Tix & Info
Watch live on Club WWN at WWNLive.com - It's only $9.99 per month!
NXT Superstar Meet & Greets With:
-NXT North American Champion Keith Lee
-Tommaso Ciampa
-Mia Yim
-Jessi Kamea
EVOLVE Tag Team Championship Triple Threat Match
BESTies In The World of Davey Vega & Mat Fitchett (c) vs. AR Fox & Leon Ruff with Ayla vs. Adrian Alanis & Liam Gray
EVOLVE Championship Challenge
Josh Briggs (c) vs. Dan The Dad vs. Alex Zayne vs. Blake Christian
-If anyone defeats Josh Briggs, they will be the new EVOLVE Champion
-If anyone defeats anyone else besides Briggs, they will get a future one-on-one title shot
-If Briggs loses the championship at EVOLVE 147, this match will determine the #1 contender
Special Challenge Match
Jake Atlas vs. Curt Stallion
Last Man Standing Match
Joe Gacy vs. Colby Corino
Grudge Match
Anthony Greene vs. Denzel Dejournette
Special Attraction Match #1
Harlem Bravado vs. Jon Davis
Special Attraction Match #2
Jessi Kamea vs. Avery Taylor
Plus more with JD Drake, Stephen Wolf, Brendan Vink and others!!!
Conclusion: We appreciate you taking a few moments to read today's WWN Alerts. We'll be back with more major news this week!