Recently The Shining Wizards Wrestling Podcast had the oppurtunity to speak with Brian Pillman Jr
The interview can be heard in full from the link provided
On his AEW appearances: Just a family vibe. They have a very great team at AEW. A lot of the roster are friends that I grew up with on the Indies, in my first couple years on the Indies. I’ve shared locker rooms with these guys multiple times. We’re all on a name by name basis. I feel very at home….very much a family there. It’s a pretty good team. Pretty good environment…a very diverse environment. I don’t agree with anyone that doesn’t think it’s diverse. It’s very diverse. It’s probably one of the most diverse work environments I’ve ever been in in my entire life. Hands down. They’re doing a lot of great things at AEW.
On AEW Safety precautions: They’re very safe as well. Very, very careful and cautious with protocols involving the pandemic and making sure everybody’s safe. There hasn’t been a single case I don’t think, so it’s been really good.
On second generation wrestlers’ bonds: I think in many cases there is…that is a very true thing. The second and third generation experience…you at least get to know them and experience them in some way, meeting them on the road or maybe at a show, or a big time show like AEW, in a locker room. Everybody has their own journey in wrestling and I think all the second gens have their own little separate journey, but it all started with something, right? It all started with the man or woman in their family that became something in wrestling so they feel obligated to continue that journey, so by nature of having so many things in common, I think second generation wrestlers tend to get along very well.
On creating his own identity as Brian Pillman Jr: I think I’m at an advantage there just because I was very smart in that I didn’t study my dad’s work a lot, and I try to avoid it for fear that I would pick up on too many things and be a little too close to that. It ended up that the way I studied and the way I developed myself that everything from his life just came natural in genetics and stuff. There’s a lot of things I don’t do that have anything to do my father, but it just so happens to look that way because of our genetics…our body language in the ring and stuff like that. Some stuff you just can’t avoid, but at the same time I think it’s an uphill battle to constantly be differentiating myself from him, but at the same time, it’s a great way to exercise the creativity and the creative freedom that we have as pro wrestlers.
On his MLW tenure: You know, it happened so fast and a lot of times I feel like I’ve been doing this a lot longer than and I truly haven’t. It’s just something that’s been such a frequent aspect of my life for the past couple years, it’s almost ingrained into me….how the taping of the show goes, and getting in and out of the airport, going to the venue, you know what I mean? I’ve gotten very good with the scheduling and the travel. It definitely compliments my personality, and I think MLW has been great about that…always keeping me up in good places and taking care of me. It’s been a great opportunity there. As far as me always working at that top level but never quite being that top guy, ya know, working with (Alex) Hammerstone and not quite getting the title there, but then going to the Opera Cup and not quite winning that either…so you look around at all these pictures of the top card and I’m in all of them, ya know? Come to AEW and my first opportunity is against Brian Cage, second opportunity is against Brian Cage, and he’s in the world title picture, you know what I mean, so I’m always gunning for something I’m always…I’m very goal orientated in wrestling and I’m very much a singles competitor and I think both of those companies (AEW & MLW) will reflect that seemingly. MLW has a very sports vibe and AEW has a very tag team action packed vibe, so maybe I’ll stick out a little more in AEW as a singles competitor. Maybe MLW has built and painted a good picture for me too as a singles competitor. As you see with the Fatu match as well, I’m always in these title pictures, but what everybody’s waiting for…what the ultimate payoff at the end of all this is the title picture where I’m holding the title. When I finally get what I’ve been chasing after. I think that’s going to be my story. I think that’s who I am as bullet proof and I can take a hit and keep on going. I’m going to keep on going and keep on going until I get what I think I need, and that is a title.