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By Shannon Walsh on 4/4/2021 7:31 AM

Texoma Pro Wrestling and Texoma Pro Wrestling 2.0 results of “Crossover” from Sherman, Texas, USA ???????? at Sherman Elks Lodge on 4/2/21 live on Facebook:

Will Allday pinned Mr. Wobble after a super kick just as the 10-minute time limit was about to expire.

JD Griffey pinned Matthew Palmer after a double underhook brain buster over the knee. 

Red River Champion Edge Stone won a 3-Way Match over Cam Cole and Nate Collins by pinning Collins.

Johnny O’Mara pinned Niles Plonk with a Code Red that he calls a Code Green. Plonk’s wine connoisseur gimmick isn’t just a gimmick. He legit has his own winery called Windy Wine Company which makes several interesting flavors of wine. You can check it out here.

Funnybome pinned The Chickasaw Warrior Ky-ote after a diving double stomp.

Promise Braxton won a 3-Way Match over Texoma Roses Champion Myka Madrid and Miranda Gordy to win the Texoma Roses Title (the name for their women’s title) by cradling Gordy for the pin. Braxton is also the current ROW Diamonds Division Champion for Booker T.’s Reality Of Wrestling

Charlie Haas pinned Dimitri Alexandrov after an Olympic Slam.

Nigel Rabid worked the show as the heel manager of Haas, Funnybone, and Edge Stone.

The next show is on April 16.