David Feldman, CEO of Bare Knuckle Fighting Championship
It’s an interesting match up. I think Mark Zuckerberg takes it. He has more experience in Jiu Jitsu, he’s younger and stronger. I take my hat off both of his guys if they do it. I think Zuck takes it!
Seth Daniels, CEO Fight 2 Win, Grappling/BJJ
My money is on Zuck. I know his coach David Camarillo and he’s amaZing. Both men are incredibly brilliant but I think Elon wouldn’t have the time to take training seriously. Zuck takes everything seriously
Steve Williams, CEO of Pillow Fight Championship
I know the world wants to see these guys smash each other's faces in, especially me, but I think we have a better way. With Pillow Fight Championship -- no one has to get mortally wounded, but, Elon and Zuck -- and the world -- will all get the same satisfaction as they pummel each other. C'mon, let’s get these billionaire softies in the cage with 2 lb PFC Combat Pillows and see a full on Battle of the Supreme Nerds!