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By Matt ten-Hoeve on 6/20/2024 11:36 AM

PFL 5 (2024): Collard vs. Burnell Preview

By Matt ten-Hoeve

June 20, 2024

The PFL continues their 2024 season on Friday, June 21 by figuring out how the playoffs will shake out in the Lightweight and Light Heavyweight Divisions. Both divisions are a lot of fun in PFL, so let’s take a look at the card that will determine the final standings…

Main card (ESPN/ESPN+ at 8 PM)

Clay Collard vs. Mads Burnell, lightweight

Impa Kasanganay vs. Jakob Nedoh, light heavyweight

Patricky Pitbull vs. Bruno Miranda, lightweight

Rob Wilkinson vs. Joshua Silveira, light heavyweight

Dovletdzhan Yagshimuradov vs. Simon Biyong, light heavyweight

Antonio Carlos Junior vs. Alex Polizzi, light heavyweight

Preliminary Card (ESPN+ at 4:30 PM)

Brent Primus vs. Solomon Renfro, lightweight

Sadibou Sy vs. Tom Breese, light heavyweight

Gadzhi Rabadanov vs. Elvin Espinoza, lightweight

Adam Piccolotti vs. Michael Dufort, lightweight

Anthony Romero vs. Sergio Cassio, lightweight

Karl Albrektsson vs. Andrew Sanchez, light heavyweight

Brahyan Zurcher vs. Julian Ruiz, lightweight

The Prelims

With some points in the standings on the line, the Prelims are looking like a good time. Here’s what I am looking forward to…

Adam Piccolotti vs. Michael Dufort should be fun. I’m actually surprised to see Dufort on the Prelims and Burnell in the main event, since Dufort beat Burnell the last time out. But hey - I’m not the person in charge. This is a great early fight on the card, though, that has a chance to get the crowd into it and some big time points in the standings on the line.

Gadzhi Rabadanov is on quite a streak, but will probably need some luck with a finish to get into the playoffs. It’ll be interesting to see if he can sneak his way in.

Sabidou Sy had a tough first fight of the season with a freak finish loss. I believe he’s out of the playoffs, even with a win, but it’ll be interesting to see if he can get back on track with a win.

Brent Primus vs. Solomon Renfro is a heck of a way to finish off the Prelims. Primus will be looking to stay in the playoff hunt, while Renfro will be looking to shake things up and get back into the win column. This should be fun!

Antonio Carlos Junior vs. Alex Polizzi

After almost two years off, Antonio Carlos Junior returned in a big way with his submission win in his first fight of the season. He is currently in a five-way tie for the most points in the season, so this is a big fight for him. Not only is a win necessary, but to secure a spot in the playoffs, he’ll probably need a quick finish. Despite his three fight losing streak, Alex Polizzi won’t make it easy for Antonio.

Dovletdzhan Yagshimuradov vs. Simon Biyong

Dovletdzhan Yagshimuradov (say or type that five times fast…) is part of the previously mentioned five-way tie for most points in the division. A quick finish will help him make the playoffs, so Biyong will be doing everything in his power to not allow that to happen.

Rob Wilkinson vs. Joshua Silveira

Two out of the five in that aforementioned five-way tie are the fighters in this matchup. The winner will secure his spot in the playoffs. The loser will most likely miss out. I both love and hate this because I’d love to see both men make the playoffs. They are both pretty well-rounded. They both have knockout power and a decent ground game. I give Wilkinson the advantage on the feet and Silveira the advantage on the ground. We shall see who takes advantage of the big time points.

Patricky Pitbull vs. Bruno Miranda

Both men are in desperate need for points here if they want to make the playoffs. Points and some luck will probably be needed. Even though both men need a win, I think Pitbull will need one more in order to prove that he can a) still hang in the PFL format and b) do well outside of Bellator. His past can’t be questioned, but some answers may be provided about his future in this fight.

Impa Kasanganay vs. Jakob Nedoh

Impa Kasanganay returned to form in his last fight with a big TKO finish. He’ll need to keep it flowing to get into the playoffs where he did very well last year - winning the season. Jakob Nedoh is dangerous, though, despite his loss the last time out.

Clay Collard vs. Mads Burnell

With a win, Clay Collard probably stamps his ticket to the playoffs. He has had some scrappy fights and big wins over the last few years in PFL. He’ll need another big win here against the very tough Mads Burnell who will be hunting for a finish to try and sneak into the playoffs. This should be a fun way to end the night.

My Picks

Clay Collard

Impa Kasanganay

Patricky Pitbull

Rob Wilkinson

Dovletdzhan Yagshimuradov

Antonio Carlos Junior

Brent Primus

Sadibou Sy

Gadzhi Rabadanov

Michael Dufort

Anthony Romero

Karl Albrektsson

Brahyan Zurcher

Not only are these divisions fun, but the playoff race is really tight in both. There are some fun matchups that will determine how the playoffs shake out. I highly recommend watching on Friday!

What are you looking forward to on this card? Who do you think makes the playoffs? Let me know at I will be back next week to talk about the results for this show, along with how things played out in Bellator and the UFC. See you then!