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By Mike Johnson on 8/24/2024 7:51 AM

August 2024

Upcoming Shows

Bruiser Strong


RJ Meyer Arena


Saturday, September 14th


Doors Open: 6:00pm

Bell Time: 7:30pm


1000 Joppa Farm Rd.

Joppa, MD 21085

Tickets for Bruiser Strong

MCW Autumn Armageddon - Frederick


Saturday, September 21st


Doors Open: 6:30pm

Bell Time: 7:30pm


289 Willowdale Drive

Frederick, MD 21702

Tickets for Autumn Armageddon

Catch up with MCW Pro Wrestling on Youtube

Big AC vs. Demarcus Kane

MCW Heavyweight Championship Street Fight

MCW Winter Blast

Dick Dynamo vs. Jadis Quinn

Singles Match

MCW Winter Blast

Myles Hawkins vs. James Ellsworth vs. Zakar Shah

MCW Rage TV Championship

MCW Winter Blast - Hollywood

Visit our Channel

Remembering Brandon Holman, AKA Dick Dynamo

“Dynamo Runs The Show” The Brandon Holman Memorial Show Full Show

Photos from “Dynamo Runs The Show”

Need The Perfect Birthday Party For The Young Wrestling Fan In Your Life?

Enough is enough and it’s time for a change! Body Slam boring birthday parties and do something different this year! No more pin the tail on the donkey, playing in plastic balls, bowling or bouncing! If your child is a fan of professional wrestling, then throw them a birthday party they will never forget.


A birthday party at the MCW Arena is an exciting, one-of-a-kind experience for a child of any age. Each party is customized for the age of the birthday guest and includes wrestling themed activities and performances. 

Learn More

MCW Fundraisers

Hosting an event with MCW Pro Wrestling is a fantastic opportunity for your organization to raise funds and provide a fun experience for the community.


With our long history of success, family-friendly events, multiple fundraising opportunities, and ability to contract big names in the wrestling industry, recommend considering this opportunity for your next fundraiser.

Learn More

Sign up for our next Beginner's Training class!

Are you interested in a career in professional wrestling? Is it your dream to compete in the squared circle? Let the MCW Pro Wrestling Training Center (MCWPWTC) help provide you with the necessary fundamentals to succeed in the world of professional wrestling.  

Train at MCW

Official MCW Merchandise

Buy MCW Merch