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By Ethan Absler on 9/5/2024 11:55 PM

After last Saturday, Revolution sits in firm control of OVW. Jamin Olivencia’s Rush Division title win and Doug Basham’s shocking alignment with the group that previously bloodied him have seemingly sealed the deal, with the faction promising this week’s episode of Rise to be “revolutionary.”

Fans brave enough to attend the show found out exactly what that meant, as Revolution continued their reign of terror over the Davis Arena and the rest of the OVW roster. It wasn’t all bad news, however, as fans were treated to several high-profile matchups including an OVW Women’s Title bout, Cash Flo’s return to action as he challenged Crixus for the title, and Kal Herro and Will Austin taking on Revolution members, Jamin Olivencia and Tony Gunn. 

So if you didn’t have time to catch the show, sit back, relax, and learn everything you need to know about Rise 1308 below! 

At a Glance

  • OVW Board Makes Shocking Announcement and Revolution Makes A Statement

  • Jay Deniro (w/ Tony Evans) Vs. Dustin Jackson 

  • Tony Gunn (C) and Jamin Olivencia (C) Vs. Will Austin and Kal Herro

  • Boy Toy and Prime Vs. Dalton McKenzie (C) and AJZ (C) 

  • Adam Revolver (W/ Shannon The Dude) Vs. Big Zo

  • Crystal White Vs. Jrod (C) (OVW Women’s Championship Match)

  • Cash Flo Vs. Crixus (OVW Heavyweight Championship)

Opening: OVW Board Makes Shocking Announcement; Revolution Opens The Show

As Rise 1308 came on the airways, Revolution graphics seemingly interrupted the stream, only for the COO of the Board of OVW, David Vox Mullen to make a devastating announcement. Last night, Al Snow was violently attacked by Revolution. The attack left him with multiple serious lacerations and a fractured skull, forcing an extended hospital stay and rendering the WWE alum unable to act as the head of OVW. 

With no choice but to appoint the only other suitable person in the locker room for the job, Revolution member and OVW coach Doug Basham was named the interim head of OVW. With the authoritative power to make things happen, Revolution is driving the ship that is OVW… a scary time to be on the roster and even a fan. 

Just then, Basham made his way to the ring accompanied by the rest of the faction to a chorus of boos from the OVW faithful. He claimed he waited for his perfect time to strike, and that his family started OVW so he should be the one to inherit the control of the company. He called out the entire locker room, using his authority to force it. 

By the end of the segment, it was clear that the entire locker room had legitimate grievances against Revolution. Basham made Kal Herro and Will Austin versus Tony Gunn and Jamin Olivencia official for later that night, as well as Jrod versus Crystal White for the OVW Women’s Title, and Cash Flo versus Crixus for the OVW Heavyweight Championship! Revolution has officially taken over. 

Match 1: Dustin Jackson Vs Jay Deniro (w/ Tony Evans)

Looking to build off of his two great showings last week, Jackson found himself battling the numbers game, causing a slow start for the Louisville native. Deniro kept the pace consistent but methodical, hitting power moves like a Back Body Drop and Sidewalk Slam to wear down the smaller Jackson. 

Eventually, Jackson was able to knock an interfering Tony Evans off the apron, finally giving himself a fair shot to win. After a few high-flying maneuvers like a Flying Clothesline and a beautiful Dropkick, Jackson was able to pick up the victory with a running knee. 

Result: Dustin Jackson DEFEATS Jay Deniro (w/ Tony Evans)

Match 2: Tony Gunn (C) and Jamin Olivencia (C) Vs. Will Austin and Kal Herro

Forced to enter through the infamous side door by Revolution or risk getting fired, an angry Herro and Austin didn’t wait for the bell before attacking Gunn and Olivencia. As the match got underway, Austin and Herro were able to withstand Revolution’s bursts of offense, keeping them firmly in the driver’s seat. The Fanny Pack Kid continued working on Gunn, with the former champions fighting with aggression and high emotion.

Despite taking a lengthy beating, Gunn leveraged the numbers game to knock Herro off the apron, turning the tables instantly. For the next few minutes, Kal was systematically picked apart, almost to the point of unconsciousness. After landing on his feet during a Suplex attempt, Herro was able to make a much-needed tag to the fresher Austin who took out both members of Revolution. 

Just when it looked like Austin and Herro were going to stick it to Revolution, a miscommunication caused the two to argue, opening the door for Gunn to hit the Fanny Pack Kid from behind for the victory. 

Result: Tony Gunn (C) and Jamin Olivencia (C) DEFEAT Will Austin and Kal Herro

Match 3: Boy Toy and Prime Vs. Dalton McKenzie (C) and AJZ (C)

Before the match began, McKenzie and AJZ rushed their unsuspecting opponents, never truly letting them get out of the gate. The champs showed off their intensity and power through a dominant and quick match, easily destroying their opponents. After just a few minutes, the champs put away Prime with an assisted Bulldog. 

Result: Dalton McKenzie (C) and AJZ (C) DEFEAT Boy Toy and Prime

Match 4: Adam Revolver (W/ Shannon The Dude) Vs. Big Zo

Big Zo answered Adam Revolver’s challenge to anyone in the locker room looking for a wrestling lesson, hoping to pick up a big win on OVW Rise. As soon as the bell rang, Revolver began swinging away on Zo who simply ate the strikes, acting totally unaffected. As Zo continued hammering away on a helpless Revolver with an impressive showcase of power and agility, Shannon The Dude paid dividends with a sweep of the leg, tripping up the big man and allowing Revolver to fall on top of Zo, picking up the cheap victory. 

Result: Adam Revolver (W/ Shannon The Dude) DEFEATS Big Zo

Match 5: JRod (C) Vs. Crystal White (OVW Women’s Championship Match)

Looking for a strong first title defense, JRod brought the fight to White, beating her around the ring, culminating with a textbook delayed Suplex. Despite a few bright spots of offense from White including a jaw-dropping Hurricanrana, JRod proved to be too much to handle. After a Spear nearly cut White in half, JRod easily retained her title in another quick and dominant match from Revolution. 

Result: JRod DEFEATS Crystal White to Retain The OVW Women’s Championship

Match 6: Crixus (C) Vs. Cash Flo (OVW Heavyweight Championship)

With a big fight feel in the air, Cash Flo returned to action on Rise to face off against Crixus for the OVW Heavyweight Championship. Feeding off the OVW fans, Cash Flo suffocated Crixus, beating him around the ring and on the outside when the champ looked for a breather. It wasn’t until the big man was thrown into the ring post that Crixus got a moment to breathe. The champ fought smart, working on the legs of Cash Flo to cut the bigger man down to size. 

Flo was eventually able to turn the tables, blocking a Suicide Dive from Crixus and hitting him with a draping DDT onto the floor. The two men traded control for the next several minutes, each hitting each other with various strikes and slams before Cash Flo found himself in position to hit his finisher. 

Seconds away from winning the Heavyweight Championship after nailing Crixus with a Payload Frog Splash, Doug Basham emerged, letting the referee know that he would be fired if he made the three count. The distraction allowed Crixus to roll-up Cash Flo for the victory- with a big asterisk due to the interference from Basham. 

Revolution proceeded to beat down Cash Flo with the rest of the roster helplessly looking on, told any help would result in their firing from OVW. 

Result: Crixus (C)  DEFEATS Cash Flo To Retain The OVW Heavyweight Championship 


Rise 1308 was a scary episode. Most matches were short and dominant, and that was largely due to the involvement (both physical and psychological) of Revolution throughout the show. With Doug Basham in charge for the foreseeable future due to Snow’s skull fracture at the hands of Revolution, the group has 100% control of OVW. From start to finish, Revolution’s abuse of power was on full display as they beat up whoever they pleased, interfered in any match they wanted to, and threatened everyone on the roster with being fired multiple times. 

As for the results of the show, JRod and AJZ and McKenzie looked extremely dominant, with Crixus also retaining his OVW World Title in questionable fashion. As the staff member whose job it is to recap and analyze OVW, I’m unsure what the landscape will look like even next week as long as Revolution is in charge. They can truly do whatever they want, and I’ve never witnessed or felt such unchecked power in the world of professional wrestling.