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By Ethan Absler on 10/4/2024 8:46 AM

Unsurprisingly, fans at the historic Davis Arena in Louisville, Kentucky were treated to yet another explosive episode of OVW Rise that saw a balanced mix of jaw-dropping in-ring action, high-stakes matchups, and fiery drama that’s once again reaching a familiar breaking point. Under the reign of Doug Basham and Revolution, or should I say, abuse, Cash Flo is forced to put his title on the line against Donovan Cecil after beating his friend, Mahabali Shera last week to retain the Championship. 

Additionally, a new number one contender for the OVW Women’s Championship promised to be crowned, Kal Herro defended his Rush Division Title against a mystery opponent, and the OVW roster fought in an Amnesty Battle Royal for the sacred right of being allowed to return to the locker room. 

So if you didn’t have time to catch the show, sit back, relax, and read everything you need to know about Rise 1312 below! 

At a Glance

  • Revolution Addresses The OVW Roster

  • Kal Herro (C) Vs. Star Rider (Rush Division Championship Match; Doug Basham’s Choice)

  • J-Rod (C) Vs. Sophia Rose

  • Amnesty Battle Royal (Winner Allowed Back in the Locker Room)

  • Tiffany Nieves Vs. Angelica Risk (#1 Contender’s Match for the OVW Women’s Title; Doug Basham’s Choice)

  • Adam Revolver’s Open ChallengeCash Flo (C) Vs. Donovan Cecil (OVW Heavyweight Championship Match; Doug Basham’s Choice)

Opening: Doug Basham and Revolution With The First Word

Much to the dismay of the OVW faithful, Revolution opened the show with an angry Basham setting the tone for the night: “I’m not in the mood.” he uttered repeatedly before allowing the roster into the arena through the side door. 

The roster, led by Cash Flo and Kal Herro, would have none of it before Herro revealed security camera footage of Basham running into the wrestlers’ “outdoor locker room” with his pickup truck before vandalizing their property, as Basham had banned them from the real locker room. 

Infuriated and caught red-handed, Basham denied that he was the man in the video before forcing Kal to defend his title on the spot against Star Rider with Tony Gunn as the special guest referee. 

Match 1: Kal Herro (C) Vs. Star Rider (Rush Division Championship Match; Doug Basham’s Choice)

The unexpected announcement of Star Rider begged the question of the high flyer’s allegiance to Revolution, but before we got our answer, the matchup was underway. The two exchanged blows early on as the tension between the Rush Division Champion and Gunn was palpable. But as the match progressed, Star Rider used his speed, agility, and unorthodox offense to gain the upper hand. 

Any time Kal gained some momentum, Gunn would cut him off as the referee, allowing Star Rider to recover and take advantage of the number’s game. The never-say-die attitude of the Fanny Pack Kid kept him in the match, reminding the OVW fans of his toughness and resilience. 

Kal fought back again, seemingly destined to win another impossible match after finally hitting his patented FPK, but Gunn refused to count to three, claiming that a clearly unconscious Star Rider kicked out. As Herro and Gunn argued the call, Star Rider hit a Shotgun Dropkick before Gunn used a fast three count to cheat Herro out of the Rush Division Championship. 

At the end of the match, we got our answer: Star Rider is the newest member of Revolution. 

Result: Star Rider DEFEATS Kal Herro to become the NEW OVW Rush Division Champion

Match 2: J-Rod (C) Vs. Sophia Rose

Although the title wasn’t on the line, a big fight feel still lingered in the air as Sophia Rose took on the current OVW Women’s Champion in J-Rod. While she did have a few shining moments like rocking the champ with a dropkick to the face, J-Rod dominated much like she has in recent weeks. She caught Rose in mid-air, before hitting her with a Fallaway Slam that set up for a Spear that nearly cut Rose in half. 

Result: J-Rod (C) DEFEATS Sophia Rose

Match 3: Amnesty Battle Royal: Winner Allowed Back In Locker Room

The third match of the night was a high-stakes battle royal with the right to enter the locker room again on the line after Revolution banned the entire roster. OVW mainstays and former champions such as Shera, Beaches N Cream, Dustin Jackson, Carson Drake, Will Austin, and Tony Evans all participated, making this a must-see bout. 

As the bell rang, the roster looked to eliminate Will Austin who cowered out underneath the bottom rope where he would stay for most of the match. Meanwhile, and despite his big win last week, Ashton Adonis was the first eliminated after Jay Dinero dumped him over the top rope. Dinero continued his dominance, dumping Leo Fox out shortly after before Shera pulled down the top rope to send Dinero out, giving the big man a taste of his own medicine. 

Shera looked to take out the rest of the trash, Chokeslamming Evans out of the ring onto Dinero before Carson Drake shockingly flipped Shera over the top rope from behind. The remaining six men wore each other down with numerous near-eliminations before Austin Superkicked Peso onto the floor for his first elimination of the night. 

Suddenly, the current Tag Team Champions, Dalton McKenzie and AJZ of Revolution entered the ring, eliminating their number one contenders and both members of Beaches N Cream. Austin, Drake, and Jackson engaged in a thrilling battle for a few minutes before Jackson was able to finally eliminate Drake. Just then, Austin nailed Jackson from behind with a low blow before tossing him over the top rope for the win. 

Result: Will Austin Wins the Amnesty Battle Royal to Enter The Locker Room Again

Match 4: Tiffany Nieves Vs. Angelica Risk (#1 Contender’s Match for the OVW Women’s Title; Doug Basham’s Choice)

J-Rod looked on live from the announce table as Risk and Nieves battled for the right to face her for the Women’s Title. Both women took turns dominating each other early, but it was La Princessa who finally gained the lead after hitting a textbook Snap Suplex and mocking Risk’s dance moves. She continued to dominate, countering Risk’s Hurricanrana into a spinning Sidewalk Slam that almost ended the match. 

Risk reminded fans of her toughness, mounting an impressive comeback which saw her finally hit the Hurricanrana followed by a reverse cutter to put away a former Women’s Champion in Nieves and earn herself a title shot. After the match, Freya The Slaya delivered ring-shaking Chokeslams to Risk, Nieves, and the referee, sending a message to J-Rod that was heard loud and clear. 

Result: Angelica Risk DEFEATS Tiffany Nieves

Match 5: Adam Revolver’s Open Challenge

A cocky Adam Revolver and Shannon The Dude came to the ring, looking for Revolver’s next challenger. However, he bit off much more than he could chew when Revolution came to the ring and beat him down. Basham proceeded to force Shannon to hit Revolver in the head with his own title. 

Result: No Contest After Revolution Beats Down Revolver

Match 6: Cash Flo (C) Vs. Donovan Cecil (OVW Heavyweight Championship Match; Doug Basham’s Choice)

Just as the bell rang, Basham emerged from backstage and made it clear that both men would be fired if they didn’t give it their all and reminded both competitors that the winner’s purse was doubled. Driving a wedge between the two friends and incentivizing violence worked, as the two big men used their size and surprising agility to try to take advantage early. 

Just as it looked like Cecil was going to gain the upper hand, Cash Flo took flight, hitting a Blockbuster from the top rope to take down his challenger and put himself in firm control. The Mammoth, however, stood his ground, coming milliseconds away from capturing the OVW Heavyweight Championship after a thunderous Suplex and two Splashes that drew comparison to the legendary Vader. 

Cecil went to the top again, however, this time with a Swanton Bomb which the Champion had scouted. He rolled out of the way before hitting Cecil with the Side Swipe Elbow for the win.

As Cash Flo celebrated his win, Basham emerged and reminded him that he promised to make his life a living hell, forcing him to defend his championship over again, this time against Mount Kadeem, one of the only men on the roster bigger than Cash Flo. 

A fresh Kadeem aligned himself with Revolution before manhandling the injured Cash Flo, Clotheslining, and Samoan Dropping Cash Flo to win the title in shocking fashion. 

Result: Cash Flo DEFEATS Donovan Cecil, Doug Basham restarts match against Mount Kadeem; Mount Kadeem DEFEATS Cash Flo to Become the NEW OVW Heavyweight Champion


Once again, Revolution has all the gold, and the OVW World Heavyweight Championship might be in the hands of the most intimidating and physically demanding man on the roster, former NFL player, The Immovable, Mount Kadeem. With the additions of Star Rider and seemingly Will Austin again as well, Revolution is back to full strength. Of course, it doesn’t happen without Basham’s gross abuse of power which saw him force an injured Cash Flo to defend his title moments after victory, ordering Shannon The Dude to beat down his best friend in Adam Revolver, and making sure that Kal Herro didn’t leave Davis Arena as Rush Division Champion.

Like most weeks, it wasn’t all bad though, as Freya The Slaya promises to be a credible threat to the red-hot women’s division, regardless of J-Rod or Risk as champion. If the show could be described in a nutshell though, it would be 99% Revolution-induced chaos (all in their favor of course), leaving OVW in another dark place. Only the Revolution has gold. Only Revolution is allowed in the locker room. Only the Revolution can make matches… until that changes, OVW remains at their mercy.