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By Mike Johnson on 10/10/2024 8:58 PM

There was a dark energy in the air at the historic HotPoint Davis Arena in Louisville, Kentucky as fans filed in for what would be yet another historic and action-packed episode of Rise. Last week, Revolution shockingly added two more members to the faction who both became new champions that same night. Star Rider returned to defeat Kal Herro for the Rush Division Championship with the help of Tony Gunn and the rest of Revolution, and Mount Kadeem defeated Cash Flo to win the OVW Heavyweight Championship. 

With more power than ever before, Revolution and Doug Basham’s vice-like grip on the OVW locker room is somehow only getting tighter, and OVW staples such as Hollyhood Haley J, Dustin Jackson, and Donovan Cecil will have to bear the brunt of the impact. 

As for some other big matches and appearances, Rise 1313 saw Crystal White versus the new number one contender for the Women’s Championship, Angelica Risk, as well as Mahabali Shera and Will Austin all appearing live. 

So if you didn’t have time to catch the show, sit back, relax, and read everything you need to know about Rise 1313 below! 

At a Glance

  • OVW Board and Doug Basham Open The Show

  • Leo Wild Vs. Super-Z

  • Ryan Von Rockit Vs. Dustin Jackson

  • Crystal White Vs. Angelica Risk

  • Luscious Lawrence Vs. AJZ and Dalton McKenzie (C) (Handicap Match for the OVW Tag Team Championship

  • Donovan Cecil Vs. Mahabali Shera

  • J-Rod (C) Vs. Hollyhood Haley J

  • Tony Evans Vs. Adam Revolver

  • Cash Flo and Kal Herro Vs. Mount Kadeem (C) , Tony Gunn, and Star Rider (C)

Opening: Doug Basham Responds To OVW Investigation; Announces Halloween Hell Night

Much to the delight of the OVW faithful, the OVW Board of Directors has finally decided to put their foot down. After reviewing Basham’s treatment of the wrestlers along with security camera footage of him destroying the outdoor locker room, all OVW talent and staff are allowed back into the locker room, effective immediately. Additionally, Basham’s behavior would be under official review by the OVW Board of Directors. 

An angry Basham immediately emerged, emphasizing that for now, he’s still in charge. He proceeded to announce an OVW special show on Halloween night called, OVW Halloween Hell Night, where each wrestler will spin a wheel to randomly determine who they wrestle against, and in what stipulation. 

Shortly after, Doug exercised one last bit of abuse of power, having new Revolution member, Leo Fox lay waste to OVW writer, Zachary Pittman in an uncomfortable and prolonged beating. 

Match 1: Leo Wild Vs. Super-Z

As Zachary Pittman endured a brutal beating, Super-Z made his way to the ring to make the save, starting an impromptu match that saw Super-Z bring the fire to Wild. The high-flyer hit a stunning Hurricanrana before climbing to the top rope to scout his next maneuver. Just then, Basham interfered, shoving Super-Z off the top rope for an immediate Leo Wild DQ. 

Basham and Wild proceeded to beat down Super-Z. 

Result: Super-Z DEFEATS Leo Wild Via Disqualification

Match 2: Ryan Von Rockit Vs. Dustin Jackson

Louisville’s own Dustin Jackson looked to continue building his momentum against a former multi-time champion in OVW, Ryan Von Rockit who returned to the Davis Arena from his Rock N’ Roll world tour. His time away playing rock concerts didn’t work in his favor, as Dustin Jackson took advantage of every ounce of ring rust shown by Rockit. Despite a few standout moments including planting Jackson with a Bodyslam and stiff knee to the face, Jackson was able to roll Rockit up for a pinfall victory over another fan-favorite. 

Result: Dustin Jackson DEFEATS Ryan Von Rockit

Match 3: Crystal White Vs. Angelica Risk

The self-proclaimed “spicy quesadilla” and new Number One Contender for the Women’s Championship, Angelica Risk took on Crystal White in a match that saw both women badly needing wins. White was looking to build some momentum while Risk looked to show she was ready and deserving of a shot against J-Rod. 

Unfortunately for White, Risk made quick work of her, lighting her up with a flurry of strikes before hitting a 619 and Reverse Neckbreaker for the win. 

Result: Angelica Risk DEFEATS Crystal White

Match 4: Luscious Lawrence Vs. AJZ and Dalton McKenzie (W/ Shannon The Dude) (C) (Handicap Match for the OVW Tag Team Championship

With his partner noticeably and mysteriously absent, Doug Basham emerged prior to the match to inform Lawrence that this handicap match would now be for the title, due to the disadvantage he faced. Additionally, Revolution’s newest member and manager, Shannon The Dude, would be ringside after stabbing his best friend Adam Revolver in the back last week. The announcement must’ve hyped Lawrence up because he shot out of his corner like a cannon. 

Despite the hot start from Lawrence who held his own for a respectable amount of time, the numbers game became too much to overcome as the current Champions began methodically dismantling one-half of Beaches N Cream. AJZ and McKenzie delivered a variety of impressive moves that would finish the average man including ring-shaking Snap Suplexes, a Chop-Block Spear, and a clubbing Clothesline to the back of the head, however, Lawrence stayed in the match. 

Just as things began looking dire, Crystal White emerged from the locker room with a fresh Omar Amir who gladly tagged himself in after a Crystal White distraction. Omar ran through the competition before Lawrence and Amir hit a Powerbomb and Neckbreaker combo to win the titles.

As their celebration began, Basham emerged to remind the new champs that this match was supposed to be a handicap match, resulting in their disqualification. In the end, the titles stay with Revolution. Instead of leaving the match as rightful champions, Beaches N Cream left with a beating. 

Result: Dalton McKenzie and AJZ DEFEAT Lucious Lawrence Via Disqualification

Match 5: Donovan Cecil Vs. Mahabali Shera

After just falling short in his OVW Championship match last week, The Mammoth looked to bounce back against an equally bigger foe in Shera. Despite actively training for the Kentucky Strongest Man competition, Shera matched Cecil’s strength as the two jockeyed for position early on. The former World Champion caught Cecil with a Drop-Toe Hold before cutting the big man down to size with a series of strikes and Elbow Drops. Cecil fought back briefly, but was cut off by a monstrous Chokeslam that almost ended the match early. 

On Cecil’s second comeback attempt, he hit a Spin Kick which downed Shera long to give himself a moment to collect himself before hoisting him up for a Powerbomb that reminded us why he is Kentucky’s strongest man. Literally and figuratively, a giant win for Donovan Cecil. 

Result: Donovan Cecil DEFEATS Mahabali Shera

Match 6: J-Rod (C) Vs. Hollyhood Haley J

The ever-dominant Women’s Champion, J-Rod took on fan-favorite former Champion, Hollyhood Haley J in a match that saw J-Rod’s biggest challenge to date. The match started off hot when Haley J slapped the taste out of J-Rod’s mouth, both echoing throughout the Davis Arena and angering the champ. Despite catching J-Rod off guard with the slap, the Champion fought back, using her size and strength to her advantage as she repeatedly Speared Hollyhood into the corner. 

The champ kept her foot on the gas, delivering a consistent stream of strikes and slams including a Big Boot to wear Haley J down. The former Champ, though, reminded fans why she used to be on top, fighting back any chance she got before sending J-Rod to the outside where the fight continued. 

Back in the ring, Haley hit a Flying Crossbody, Superkick, and Hurricanrana to finally take control of the match. Suddenly, Freya The Slaya entered the ring uninvited before enthusiastically Chokeslamming Haley J to end the match in disqualification. Just then, Angelica Risk emerged, bringing the fight to Freya. In the end, it was J-Rod and Freya The Slaya who stared each other down before Freya delivered a Chokeslam to J-Rod to leave her lying. 

Result: J-Rod DEFEATS HollyHood Haley J Via Disqualification; Freya The Slaya Lays Waste To Everyone

Match 7: Tony Evans (W/ Jay Dinero) Vs. Adam Revolver

After declaring that he is on his way back to the top of the company, a lonesome Adam Revolver answered Evans’ challenge to prove he can win on his own. Both men used questionable tactics to gain an early upper hand including grabbing a handful of tights during a pinning attempt and using closed-fist strikes, but it was Evans who took control after a signature Dinero distraction. 

Evans continued to punish Revolver, but made one too many mistakes in front of the referee as he was spotted trying to put on his loaded glove. With the referee distracted, Revolver hit Evans with a low blow for the victory. 

Result: Adam Revolver DEFEATS Tony Evans (W Jay Dinero)

Match 8: Cash Flo and Kal Herro Vs. Mount Kadeem (C) , Tony Gunn, Star Rider (C) (W/ Shannon The Dude) 

Before the match started, a caveat was added which said if Kal Herro and Cash Flo win, whoever scores the pinfall will become the new number one contender to whichever title holder they pinned. While Basham may have disguised the match as an opportunity for Kal and Cash, it was clearly just another way of hurting them as the Revolution withstood their hot start before the numbers game took over. 

From there, Kadeem, Gunn, and Star Rider worked to wear down their opponents with each man delivering unique beatings of their own while using the numbers to their advantage. Kal once again showed the size of his heart, refusing to stay down despite a barrage of Suplexes, overhand Chops, corner Splashes, and submission holds. 

Eventually, Herro created a moment of separation which allowed the fresh Cash Flo to take out Star Rider and then Gunn with a Death Valley Driver. With a moment to recover, Cash tagged Herro back in before Tony Gunn pulled the referee in front of Kal’s Flying Crossbody. As the action broke down all over the ring, Kal hit an FPK out of nowhere, but with no ref in the ring, his pinfall didn’t count. 

If we’ve learned anything from the last few weeks of OVW, it’s that nobody takes advantage of lawlessness like Revolution. With the referee still down, Gunn and Star Rider beat Herro and Flo with their titles before Gunn pinned Herro. 

Result:  Mount Kadeem (C) , Tony Gunn, Star Rider (C) (W/ Shannon The Dude) DEFEAT Cash Flo and Kal Herro


Rise 1313 was a night filled with tension, surprises, and Revolution’s ongoing dominance and abuse of power. I mean seriously, if ever there was a reason to investigate someone for abuse of power, we saw it this week multiple times:

  • Beaches and Cream literally beat AJZ and McKenzie only to have the result reversed

  • Kal Herro and Cash Flo were put into a handicap match that was clearly designed to hurt them

  • Doug Basham announced an entire show, Halloween Hell Night to sadistically punish his roster in a way that they can never prepare for

What else does the board need to see to deem Basham unfit?!

Meanwhile, the Women’s Division is reaching another boiling point, as Risk looked dominant in her win, J-Rod was tested for her first time ever against Haley J, and Freya The Slaya sent a message to the rest of the division. The show’s chaotic atmosphere, rife with interference and underhanded tactics, signals that OVW is at a critical juncture. With the Halloween Hell Night event looming and Basham’s leadership under investigation, the balance of power is precarious. Yet, amidst this darkness, there are glimmers of hope. Wrestlers like Dustin Jackson, Donovan Cecil, and Angelica Risk are stepping up, and the OVW locker room seems ready to rally together. The true question is, can anyone or anything stop the Revolution, or is OVW destined for further descent into chaos?