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By PWInsiderXtra Readers on 9/22/2006 12:49 PM
I think that TNA just pushed the Joe-Jarrett match more tonight than the rest of the time it took to actually build the match. I mean Joe getting busted open for the first time on TNA TV and then he showed more fire in that interview than any interview in the past few years that was not a segment by The Rock and Steve Austin.

The LAX celebration was cool and I definitely think that it could go further as a feud. The spot where AJ was hanging upside down was sickening but cool at the same time.

The action on iMPACT was a secondary this week as the segments made the show. And for a week before a "filler" PPV like No Surrender, it made little sense to do it but it definitely help me think of buying the PPV or at least the dvd.

Mike from Long Island


I have only one comment on Impact for this week. It was fine for what it was, I think Mike and Jess went into TNA's problems pretty good on the recent hotline. As a person with a television production degree, one thing really stuck me. TNA wants to give a "live event" feel with cutting to commercials during matches, etc... But doesnt it expose the fact that it is taped when on your video package for the PPV you show footage that happened JUST FIVE MINUTES AGO edited into a slick package, something that obviously cannot be done live...

Josh Reid