The stars of the United Wrestling Network along with top talent from around the pro wrestling world will return to the Irvine Improv in Southern California for a live event / TV taping on Frebruary 25th.
Former AEW TNT and Tag Team Champion Scorpio Sky will be in action back in a UWN ring where he was a multiple time UWN TV Champion. The inaugural UWN World Women's Champion will be crowned at the event as well, plus AEW / ROH talent and WWE ID prospects will be in action. Talent scheduled for the event include:
UWN World Chamion Danny Limelight
UWN World TV Champion Zicky Dice
UWN World Tag Team Champions Bad Dude Tito & Che Cabrera
Scorpio Sky
QT Marshall
The Infantry Shawn Dean & Carlie Bravo
WWE ID Prospect Ice Williams
WWE ID Prospect Jordan Oasis
Slice Boogie
Brandon Cutler
Alex Gracia
Big Mama
Stunt Mashall
*card subject to change*
All ages welcome. Tickets available at: