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By PWInsiderXtra Readers on 10/10/2006 12:46 AM
The wife and I really enjoyed the 3 hour show. It had a good flow. We were finally entertained by DX again. They are too funny. I know a lot of guys on here don't like them, but the live audience always gets a kick out of them. I liked seeing the legends come out with Flair. I was hoping for more stars like Austin, Hogan since this was hyped the way it was. I wonder if IRS being there was a onetime deal or is he coming back.

Steve Holsten
Kennett, MO.


Considering the hype going into the show this RAW has easily become the worst RAW for the year on 2006.

The matches for the most part turned into squashes and the couple that didn't like Cena v Taker were just simply poor matches.

The 6 man tag was passable for a TV match but still nothing to write home about. The Shelton v Benoit match could've stolen the show but it wasn't given enough time.

There was more the the usual DX toilet "humor" that has been recycled since 1998. Yet another Bischoff book plug and 5000 Marine commercials.

The announcement of the Cyber Sunday main event has all but turned me off this PPV, with all 3 titles on the PPV but none getting defended and it will take a 5 star undercard to get me back into ordering it. Lets start with a Hardy, Nitro, Benjamin, CArlito fatal 4 way ladder match for the IC title and go from there.

Arn Anderson and the other Old Timers was a nice little surprise but wasn't enough to save the show.

Final Rating: 0/10 with the 6 man tag match and the appearance by Arn Anderson and co saving this RAW from getting a negative score.

Brett Sullivan 
Sydney, Australia


I got to talk about tonight 3 hour Raw. What a disappointment all they did was bring some talent from Smackdown, ECW and show it on Raw. The show did nothing to make anyone want to watch the other brands. The matches for this show was average. Hell last weeks Raw was better at least last week we saw the IC belt change hands and we saw a cage match this week nothing. The only interesting thing that happened was Edge and Orton forming a group to face DX that has a chance to be good I want to see where WWE goes with that.


The opening segment between Cena, Booker and Big Show was priceless, apart from the long entrances. Booker’s reference to Ready to Rumble was hilarious.

Considering the stipulation, the Kane vs. Umaga match was not as brutal as their previous encounters, but was still a good big man match. Glad to see DX haven’t got a monopoly on using the Highlanders as fodder either.

Speaking of DX, I didn’t really listen to their interview (I was typing this), but I doubt I missed much. The only long term benefit of DX has been keeping HHH away from the title scene.

Show vs. Hardy was a good match that weakened neither wrestler. Of course Show should have won, but it was done in such a way that didn’t make the IC champ look out of his league. It’ll be interesting to see if either of the other champs lose tonight to make things a little more unpredictable though.

Well I hope DX managed to get all their cock jokes out of their system. Though Cade and Murdoch got some offence in, it was usually two on one, so didn’t make them look good. You’d think after Bob Holly’s injury, WWE would realize those tables with plastic surround are deathtraps, Murdoch’s neck could have been sliced like a piece of cheese.

Benoit vs. Benjamin - what a style contrast from the last match! Typical “Benoit dominating whilst not making his opponent look bad” bout.

Chavo, Finlay and Regal vs. Batista, Lashley and Rey was fine, but too short for a six-man with that much star power in it. It was obvious a throw together match to get everyone on the card.

Melina in pants…..nooooooooo! I’m kinda looking forward to strip poker, even if it does eat up TV time for ECW. The match with Torrie was predictable but not too painful to watch. Speaking of the tournament…Lita, Victoria, Torrie, Melina, Micki, Candice, Maria….who am I missing, who’s the eighth woman?

Booker vs. RVD was another way too short to assess match. They’ve definitely tried fitting too much in, even in three hours. Though I doubt they’ll overlook Cena vs. Undertaker so much.

I don’t find anything offensive about Cryme Tyme, apart from the waste of time.

Hmm…Champion of Champions match at Cyber Sunday. If I were a betting man, I wouldn’t bet on a clear winner. I’m glad Vince remembered he owns Smackdown and ECW as well, as his focus has been on Raw most of the year.

At last, a half decent surprise. It was great to see Piper (even though he’s been on recently), DiBiase, Rotunda, and Arn. Pity the intros took longer than the match, but to be honest, we’re weren’t going to see Mitch get to show his talents and there’s only so many Ric Flair chops I can watch. To the new fan, Ric can seem more limited than Hogan move-wise these days, and that’s wrong.

It took way too long for Edge to come to the point, especially as they’re unlikely to be put over at Cyber Sunday. But at least it won’t be another McMahons match.

Maybe I just wasn’t paying close attention, but not a great deal of the crowd seemed to be lively reacting to the Cena/Undertaker match. Are we really expected to believe that Undertaker is the only person who isn’t too dazed to counter the five knuckle shuffle? And if Sting were in WWE, would he have been the only one gullible enough to believe there wouldn’t be any interference?

Overall, Raw tonight was like a trailer, except they didn’t really show the best bits of the movie.

Ian Bowden 
Cornwall England