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By Richard Trionfo on 12/13/2006 11:40 AM

A Look at Full Impact Pro Wrestling’s Cage of Pain Match  

The biggest feud in professional wrestling today does not involve a billionaire trying to regain his youth against a two people trying to relive a gimmick from the 1990s.  It does not involve an undefeated Samoan against an Olympic champion.  It does not involve two wrestling companies trying to see which one can best frustrate their fan base by trying to relive the 1990s.  It does not involve a tag team fighting against a company that it claims is denying their constitutional rights.  It does not occur weekly on television or monthly on pay per view.  The top feud of 2006 involves two tag teams that have battered each other throughout the State of Florida , and this feud will end on Friday night when Full Impact Pro Wrestling presents its ‘Cage of Pain’ show in Crystal River, Florida.  The main event for the show is the ‘Cage of Pain’ match featuring Black Mark et against the Heartbreak Express.

The Cage of Pain is a match that was announced at the Second Year Spectacular show in Crystal River this past September after Black Mark et lost the FIP Tag Titles to the Heartbreak Express.  The Cage of Pain is a steel cage with weapons inside the cage for the participants to use to wreak havoc on their opponents.  Some of the weapons that might be used include tables, chairs, garbage cans, steel chains, ladders, thumbtacks, 2 X 4's, and baseball bats.  In addition to the weapons in the cage, two sides of the cage will be wrapped in barbed wire.  This is a type of match that has not been seen in the two plus years of Full Impact Pro Wrestling, and it will be something that the people in attendance will never forget, nor will the participants in the match. 

This is an old school blood feud that has reached a head and will be settled once and for all this weekend.  Both teams have spilled their blood in rings and in buildings all over the state and this will not be any different.  This is not a match where any titles are on the line since the Briscoe Brothers are the current FIP tag team champions.  The only thing on the line in this match is pride and the right to claim that they are the best tag team in Florida .

Shawn Murphy and Joey Machete comprise the team of Black Mark et.  During the year 2006, they added Alison Danger to counter the influence of So Cal Val with the Heartbreak Express.  Murphy and Machete came to FIP at the start of 2006 and worked their way up the ladder and became the FIP tag team champions when they beat the Heartbreak Express.  They later lost the titles when the Heartbreak Express defeated them at the Second Year Spectacular.  At the start of the year, Black Mark et was hated by the fans and was working with the Heartbreak Express.  When they decided that they wanted the tag titles, they separated from the Heartbreak Express and they became fan favorites.  Despite currently being fan favorites, they can move back to their roots as no nonsense fighters.

Black Mark et has a mixture of size, speed, power, and finesse that has kept them at the top of the company.  Shawn Murphy is the big man of the team who is able to use his size and strength to control their matches.  Joey Machete is the smaller member of the team, who can incorporate power moves as well as some moves associated with smaller wrestlers.  Both men are equals in the team and neither man takes the position that they are better than the other.  They are a good complement and that is a reason for their longevity and success in the ring.

The Heartbreak Express is Sean Davis and Phil Davis, and these two cousins have been dominating the tag team division in the State of Florida for the last few years, but their dominance in Full Impact Pro Wrestling started when they won the tag titles in September 2005 by defeating Spanky and Sal Rinauro in Arcadia at the Big Year One Bash.  Prior to winning the titles, the Heartbreak Express had an ‘undefeated streak’ that saw them take two steps back before taking one step forward.  Sean and Phil have had So Cal Val and her bodyguard Korey Chavis at their side to make sure their affairs are in order.  They lost the titles to Black Mark et, but won them back from Black Mark et at the Second Year Spectacular.  The Heartbreak Express subsequently lost the titles to the Briscoe Brothers in October.  In addition to losing the titles in October, they lost their manager/valet So Cal Val when she was kidnapped by Black Mark et. 

Sean Davis is someone who can make life miserable for opponents who underestimate him based on his size and mannerisms in and out of the ring.  His knowledge of the sport is evident as he modifies his attack depending on his opponent and the circumstances.  Sean is one of the best on the mic and his style of cutting promos is unique and very effective.  Phil Davis complements Sean well in the ring.  Phil is a solid wrestler who is a technician in the ring.  Neither man will hesitate to bend the rules if it will benefit them in the match.  The Heartbreak Express have been in the ring with some of the greatest tag teams of all time and they have been able to hold their own by being able to transform their style to match their opponents. 

With the booking style in Full Impact Pro Wrestling, this is the perfect match to headline their final weekend of the year.  The Heartbreak Express and Black Mark et remind me of the great tag teams of the 1980s like the Midnight Express, Rock and Roll Express, Fantastics, or Freebirds.  Both teams utilize double team maneuvers and they use a lot of psychology in the matches to make sure that it is a two-on-one situation more often than not. 

While I have seen these two teams have significant feuds against other tag teams, the battles that the Heartbreak Express and Black Mark et have had against each other in Full Impact Pro put those other feuds to shame.  In the tradition of the Southern Strong Style that FIP has been described as, this is a feud that would make the Mid-South and Memphis promotions proud.

This Friday, Cage of Pain will take place in Crystal River, Florida at the National Guard Armory at 8551 West Venable Street .   Bell time is 8:00 p.m., and doors will open at 7:30 p.m.  Full Impact Pro Wrestling will be holding its third Florida Rumble on Saturday night in Inverness , Florida at the Citrus County Fairgrounds at 3610 South Florida Avenue (Highway 41).  Bell time on Saturday is 8:00 p.m. and doors open at 7:30 p.m.

For more information about Full Impact Pro Wrestling, check out  For information on Full Impact Pro DVDs, check out 

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