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By Jason LaBonte on 6/13/2007 11:20 AM

I swear I didn't know how I was going to write about this.  All I knew was that I was going to write about it.   As I am writing this for the first time in my twenty-one years of watching wrestling, I am actually debating on purposely not watching WWE programming.  So to try to keep my sanity Ill have my rant then Ill have some fun.

My idea for professional wresting can be considered a little old school.  I think that a wrestler (babyface or heel) is in constant pursuit for a championship.  A heel would do anything; a baby would beat the odds to get that shot or that title.  For all its show, Pro wrestling is supposed to present that it is a sport.  What happened Monday night, while having a place in entertainment, has no place in wrestling.

Don't get me wrong, I love a good mystery.  My book shelves are filled with all sorts of mystery novels.  I don't watch wrestling for murder mysteries.

Now lets take a look at this from a logic stand point.  I know, I know, I'm putting way too much thought behind this.  Once the culprit is found how are they not going to arrest this person for attempted murder?  I mean are we really going to have someone go against the culprit and basically say You tried to kill my boss, so I'm going to get into the ring and try to show you how bad you are by forcing your shoulders to the mat for a three count.  I understand that this is a show, but come on.  Even Days Of Our Lives is more realistic!

To say that this disgusts me is just an understatement. 

So with that out of the way we may as well try ti have a little fun.  I put some thought as to some of the possible suspects as to who may have killed Mr. McMahon.

Nailz- This was a prison inmate gimmick that was in WWE and feuded with the Big Bossman back in 1992.  He was let go after he assaulted McMahon in a back stage incident.

Nathan Jones- Rather large wrestler that was legitimately served a sentence in an Australian prison.  He quit WWE after not being able to handle the schedule.

The Undertaker- Lets face it.  He has been the WWE grim reaper since 1990.  All you have to do is look up the ministry angle from ten years ago...Can a reformation of the ministry be far behind?

Paul Heyman- Former owner of ECW. Vince killed ECW, brought it back only to kill it again. 

Eric Bischoff- Former president of WCW.  Vince killed WCW and bought it out from under Eric.  Plus Vince embarrassed him at every opportunity during his stint as RAW GM

Rikishi- Same reason why he ran down Stone Cold Steve Austin.  He did it for the Rock

Stephanie McMahon-Levesque- The power hungry daughter just couldn't wait for her father to retire, so she sped up the process

Linda McMahon- Enough was enough.  And who could blame her?

And finally....

Vincent Kennedy McMahon- After hearing what everyone had to say at Raw he decided on force them to appreciate what he has done for everyone, so he faked his death.  Just like when he was The Undertakers Higher Power....  

Any other Possible suspects?  Let me know at

Jason LaBonte