Main Event: Kendall Grove (13-9) vs. Ikuhisa Minowa (52-32-8)
Round One: Da Spyder and Minowaman quickly take the center of the cage. Grove with some jabs, Minowa with an outside leg kick. Minowa drops his head and throws some overhand punches, Grove counters. Grove throws a right hand up the middle. Outside leg kick by Minowa. Grove with a right hand, followed by a high kick. Minowa does a cartwheel. Minowa reaches for a leg, but misses the mark and nearly pays for it. Front kick by Grove, keeping Minowaman at bay. Minowa taunts Grove, grabs a leg and works for a single leg takedown. Pressing Grove against the cage, adding some knees to the thigh of Grove. Minowa trips Grove and winds up in half guard. Grove looks for an armbar, but can't get it, and stays on his back. Minowa holding Grove down, but not doing much with the position as the round comes to an end. PWInsiderXTRA scores this round 10-9 for Grove.
Round Two: Kendall Grove comes out stalking and attacks with a variety of strikes, none landing signifcantly. Minowa takes a straight right, throws an overhand right of his own. A front kick by Grove goes short. Minowaman looking for an opportunity to bring the fight to the ground. Minowa pulls guard, but Grove is having none of it. Minowa scoots forward, but Grove backs away. Back on the feet, Grove misses a punch and Minowa shoots. Minowa pulls guard and holds Grove close. Minowa defending well, but Grove slips a D'Arce choke on. Minowa rolls out, as Grove transitions and takes his back. Grove with a body triangle, over a minute left on the clock. Grove working hard for a rear naked choke, but Minowa defending very well. Grove lets go of the body triangle and goes for hooks instead. Grove lands some strikes and goes for a choke again as the round ends. PWInsiderXTRA scores the second to "Da Spyder", a solid 10-9.
Round Three: Grove opens up the third round with some quick jabs. Minowa looks to counter. Attempts a quick overhand right into a takedown. Minowa dives for a leg, but is stuffed. Grove drops some hammerfists to the ear of Minowaman. Grove takes Minowa's back, hooks in. Grove looks for a body triangle, Minowa blocks, but Grove gets full mount. Transitions to a high mount and delivers some strikes as Minowa gives up his back. Grove again locks in a body triangle. Grove looking for a choke yet again, but Minowa is not letting him have it. Grove continues to work for a choke. Grove tightens the body triangle, then transitions to hooks in. Grove with hammerfists from the top. Grove continues to control on and dominate Minowaman. Body triangle locked in once again. The fighters rest against the cage as Grove again tries for a rear naked choke to no avail. With ten seconds left, Grove delivers some punches and the fight ends. PWInsiderXTRA scores the round 10-9 for Grove, and gives "Da Spyder" his second win in ProElite with a 30-27 score.
Kendall Grove defeats Ikuhisa Minowa via unanimous decision. (30-27, 30-27, 30-27)
This concludes PWInsiderXTRA's live coverage of ProElite 3: Grove vs Minowa. I'll be back this Friday, January 27th with live coverage of MFC 32: Bitter Rivals, live on HDNet.
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