Round Two: Coy comes out with jabs. Lima looks less comfortable than usual. Lima is backing up as Coy stalks him. Kicks to the thigh by Coy. Coy shoots and easily drags Lima down and presses him into the corner. Short punches by Coy. Lima secures a closed guard. Coy postures up and the ref once again stands them up. Lima throws a high right kick that misses. Coy scores another takedown, but Lima grabs his arm and tries to wrench it. The two get back up, and Coy takes him right back down. Coy with elbows to the thigh of Lima. Coy looks to take the back of Lima and throws soft punches to the side of Lima's head. Schiavello jokingly tries to touch Lima's beard to demonstrate how close they are to the commentary position. Coy basically just holding position, dropping occasional punches and elbows on Lima as the round ends.
PWInsiderXTRA gives this round to Coy 10-9.
Round Three: Coy with a straight left. Lima can't seem to pull the trigger on any strikes. Coy beating Lima to the punch. Coy's mouthpiece falls out and the action briefly stops. As the action restarts, Coy shoots. Gets a takedown but Lima hammers him with strikes. Coy gets him down and passes to side control easily. Coy holding Lima in position, throwing short strikes to the body, but not doing much else. Lima gets Coy back in guard. The ref, once again, stands them up. Lima throws slow strikes towards Coy with no luck. Coy takes him down yet again with ease. Lima way out of his comfort zone on the ground as Coy again punches his body. Coy with knees on the ground as he holds Lima in a cradle position. The fight gets outside of the ropes, and the ref stands them up. Coy with a low single but eats strikes before securing the takedown. Lima looking for a triangle, but not finding any success. Coy lifts Lima and slams him down, maintains top control as the round ends.
PWInsiderXTRA scores the round 10-9 for Coy, and gives him the fight in a dominate 30-27.
Nathan Coy defeats Dhiego Lima via Unanimous Decision. (30-27, 30-27, 29-28)
Round One: The fight begins with some early exchanges by both men. Great jabs by McGillivray. Outside leg kick by Bautista buckles McGillivray. McGillivray goes for a leg lock but Bautista escapes and they get back to the feet. Great head movement by McGillivray. Bautista throws a knee and McGillivray goes for a takedown. McGillivray lifts up Bautista and slams him down in North/South position. McGillivray looking for a North/South choke, but he can't get it. McGillivray takes side control, but is not doing much with it. McGillivray with some short punches and goes for an arm, but Bautista defends very well. McGillivray maintains side control and keeps Bautista down. Bautista gets back to his feet and backs McGillivray into the corner. The round ends with McGillivray trying to lock in a standing guillotine.
Ryan McGillivray defeats Diego Bautista via Submission (Armbar) at 2:25 of round three.