By Joe Lebeau on 1/27/2012 11:06 PM
Co-Main Event: Lightweight Antonio McKee (26-4-2) vs Brian Cobb (19-6)
Round One: The fighters touch gloves to start the fight. A kick by Cobb is blocked. McKee with a kick that stuns Cobb. Cobb gets McKee in the corner but eats a knee. McKee throws an overhand right, then grabs Cobb's ankle. A side kick to the gut drops Cobb. Another side kick by McKee. McKee is just blasting Cobb's body with kicks. The fight hits the mat, McKee takes the back and just suplexes Cobb violently. McKee double legs Cobb and pushes him right out of the ring. The referee breaks the action and stands them up. McKee looks like a maniac out there. The fight starts back up and the two exchange strikes. McKee nails Cobb with a straight right counter. Cobb takes a thumb to the eye and the ref stops the action again. A quick restart and the two take the center of the ring again. McKee with an easy takedown again, but Cobb gets up quick. They clinch and Cobb lands a knee to the body and several foot stomps. Cobb tries to wrestle McKee down as the round ends.
PWInsiderXTRA scores the round 10-9 for Antonio McKee.
Round Two: A quick jab by Cobb starts this round, followed by a series of leg kicks. Cobb looking to be the aggressor with short hooks and jabs. Cobb stalking McKee down, but not having much luck with his strikes. McKee has not landed a single strike nearly 2 minutes into the round. McKee takes Cobb down with ease but does nothing with the position. Cobb kicks him off, but McKee steps in and finally throws some punches. Cobb trying to stand, but McKee controlling him. McKee takes the back, but Cobb gets back to his feet. The two dance around the cage as McKee again looks for a takedown. Knees to the body by Cobb. McKee just powers Cobb to the ground, lands in mount and throws strikes to the face of Cobb. Cobb trying to spin, but McKee is not letting him. McKee with a knee to the body, allowing Cobb to get back to his feet. Cobb puts on the pressure, but gets taken down again. Cobb misses a head kick. Body kick by Cobb. McKee tries for a takedown, fails, and gets caught in a rear naked choke as the round ends.
PWInsiderXTRA can only score this 10-9 for McKee.
Round Three: The final round of McKee's MFC career begins with Cobb throwing straight rights. McKee tries for a sloppy takedown, but gives up his back to Cobb. Cobb looking for a choke, but McKee is defending very well. Cobb gets the hooks in, but McKee escapes from danger. Cobb controlling McKee, but McKee takes Cobb down and takes side control. Knees to the body and legs of Cobb, who gives up his back. Cobb stands back up, sprawls on McKee's takedown and delivers punches to the body. Cobb looking to take the back again, sliding his arm across the jaw of McKee, but McKee defends again. Knees to the thighs of McKee. Cobb with both hooks in, as he flattens McKee out. McKee powers back onto his knees and tries to slide Cobb off his back. Punches to the body by Cobb, who is dominating this round. Cobb still looking for a choke, throwing punches and trying his best to lock on a rear naked choke as the fight ends.
PWInsiderXTRA scores this round 10-9 for Brian Cobb, but gives the fight to McKee, 29-28.
Antonio McKee defeats Brian Cobb via Unanimous Decision. (29-28, 29-28, 29-28)
It is announced on the broadcast that for losing this fight, Brian Cobb will also be released by the MFC. So, MFC releases both of their top lightweights. Great mind for business, that Mark Pavelich has.
Main Event: Light Heavyweight bout: Wilson Gouveia (12-8) vs Dwayne Lewis (12-7)
Round One: Gouveia starts with a jab and an outside leg kick. Lewis with a head kick that is blocked, followed by a front kick that misses its mark. A couple more leg kicks by Gouveia, they are obviously starting to hurt Lewis. The two men trade jabs, followed by a front kick to the body by Gouveia. Lewis now throwing low and high kicks. Not much happening in this round. A few low kicks and jabs from each fighter. Jabs and low kicks by Lewis. Jabs and low kicks by Gouveia. Nothing really happening at all. Gouveia picks up the pace a little bit, but as the round ends, it slows to a crawl.
PWInsiderXTRA scores this round 10-9 for Wilson Gouveia.
Round Two: Round two opens with jabs and low kicks from both men. Gouveia looking a little looser. Buckles Lewis with another kick, and he is visibly limping. Gouveia has him backed into a corner and is punishing Lewis' leg. Lewis is hurt bad, and Gouveia rushes in. Gouveia tries for a guillotine, but can't get it. He drops Lewis with leg kicks twice, takes his back and drops punches to the side of his head. Lewis shakes Gouveia off of his back and presses him into the corner. Lewis takes him down, but Gouveia locks in a vicious arm lock, which Lewis somehow survives. Gouveia has the back and is raining down tons of punches. He flattens Lewis out and pounds him out. The referee steps in and the crowd goes silent. This fight is over.
Wilson Gouveia defeats Dwayne Lewis via TKO (strikes) at 3:19 of Round Two.
That concludes our coverage of MFC 32: Bitter Rivals. Don't forget to check back in with PWInsiderXTRA tomorrow for our ongoing coverage of UFC on FOX 2!
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